Proposal for Enhanced Transparency on Export Licensing “Protocol on Transparency in Export Licensing to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994” (TN/MA/W/15/Add.4/Rev.5) Co-sponsoring Members; Chinese Taipei, Japan, Korea, Ukraine and United States
Experiences of difficulties in importing natural resources such as minerals and timber in a stable and predictable manner due to unexpected and sudden export licensing measures imposed by exporting countries. GATT negotiations have mainly focused on the import side. 2 Issues and Background More transparency in export licensing is essential
WTO disciplines / Existence of Licensing agreement ImportsExports GATT Art. X Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations(citation) 1. …, restrictions or prohibitions on imports or exports or on the transfer of payments therefor, or affecting their sale, distribution, transportation, insurance, warehousing inspection, exhibition, processing, mixing or other use, shall be published promptly in such a manner as to enable governments and traders to become acquainted with them. … ○○ GATT Art. XIII Non-discriminatory Administration of Quantitative Restrictions(citation) 3.(a) …, the contracting party applying the restrictions shall provide, upon the request of any contracting party having an interest in the trade in the product concerned, all relevant information concerning the administration of the restrictions, the import licenses granted over a recent period and the distribution of such licenses among supplying countries; … 5. …in so far as applicable, the principles of this Article shall also extend to export restrictions. ○△ Existence of the “Licensing Agreement” for enhanced transparency○ Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures× WTO disciplines for Import & Export restrictions and existence of Licensing agreement More transparency in export licensing is essential for smooth trade of raw materials and enhancement of international trade and production of industrial goods. More Transparency on Export Restriction is Essential 3
Proposed Transparency Mechanism List of products Overall amount of the quota Expected duration Description of the Export Licensing procedure and other Notify within 60 days Member A Member B Exporters Importers Proposal for Enhanced Transparency on Export Licensing in WTO Existing WTO Agreements Exporters Member A Member B Importers Morizo ? ? 4 We are listening to suggestions concerning what kinds of technical assistance would be necessary for Developing and Least-Developed Members. Protocol on Transparency in Export Licensing to the GATT 1994 (TN/MA/W/15//Add.4/Rev.4) Proponents: Procedures: Technical assistance : Chinese Taipei, Japan, Korea, Ukraine, and United States i) Notify within 60 days, post facto, the WTO of any new measures on export licensing and changes thereof ii) Respond to specific requests by other Members relating to export licensing Proposal: Due to unexpected Export Licensing, importers cannot obtain raw materials to be delivered for manufacturer. Exporters cannot deliver their products by unexpected Export Licensing. Export Licensing Export Licensing