NATIONAL RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Safety Inspectorate Inspection Ecology September 2011 Waste management in National Railway Infrastructure Company
During the negotiation period for EU accession Republic of Bulgaria took the obligation for full transposition of the European Law in the country’s internal juridical system as well as establishment of mechanisms for their implementation. Sector “Environment” is one of the very sensitive sectors where broad and difficult European norms should be applied. ДП “Национална компания Железопътна Инфраструктура”
The main characteristics of the modern European legislation concerning protection of the environment are dynamism, implementation of strict ecological measures and big volume. All this taken together is real challenge for the country’s environment protection policy National Railway Infrastructure Company
The main tool for implementation of the environment protection policy is the new Bulgarian framework legislation adopted during the process of harmonization with European legislation. The main areas of harmonization are as follow: Horizontal legislation and prevention of industrial pollution – Law for protection of the environment; Air quality – Law for the purity of the air; Waste management – Law for waste management; Water quality – Law for water quality; Protection of the nature – Law for protected territories and Law for bio- diversification; Chemical’s management – Law for protection from harmful effects of the chemicals and chemical substances; National Railway Infrastructure Company”
The framework legislation transposes the requirements included in the framework European Directives and gives the opportunity for implementation of the rest “daughter” Directives through different regulations and decrees. Most of this regulations are already adopted and are under implementation in every day life. The general Law for Protection of the Environment gives the framework for broad measures in this area. The sectorial laws give precise norms and preventive measures for protection of the separate components of the environment. National Railway Infrastructure Company
The waste management legislation covers wide circle of social relationships related with prevention of the waste generation as well as the activities for their ecological collection, temporary storage, transportation, recycling and decontamination The principles and concrete requirements of the European law are transposed in the actual Bulgarian legislation. The rights and obligations of the citizens, business and the state are defined. Also defined are the requirements for the products which generate a lot of wastes after their usage (packing, vehicles, batteries, car batteries and other), the requirements for the installations for waste’s processing (incinerators, storage facilities, recycling equipment and waste decontamination) and requirements for import, export and transit of wastes. National Railway Infrastructure Company
The Bulgarian legislation stipulates: so called “hierarchy for waste management”. The priority is given to prevention of the waste’s generation in the source, if it is not possible, the wastes should be recycled, if for some reasons recycling is also impossible the wastes should be used for energy extraction. The final and most unwanted exit is waste’s storage or incinerating; the main principle for the entire legislation concerning protection of the environment is – “polluter pays”; in a case of violation the sanctions are severe. National Railway Infrastructure Company - Bulgaria
National Railway Infrastructure Company The environment protection legislation conditionally might be divided to : „Horizontal” concerning all types of wastes and all activities related with the wastes – Law for waste management, Decree № 3 defining waste’s classification, Decree № 9 definig the system and templates for giving information for activities related with wastes as well as the system for organization and keeping of public register for the issued permissions and the documents of the objects and activities which are closed, Decree regulating the import and export of the waste including the cases where the bank guarantee or insurance is required, the Council of Ministry Decision № 137/1999 for adoption of Tariff for charges for products generating a lot of waste after usage and the Law for ratification of the Convention for control of trans-border movement of danger wastes and their decontamination ;
National Railway Infrastructure Company The legislation for regulation of the activities related with the wastes – Decree defining requirements for treatment and transportation of production and danger wastes, Decree № 6 defining conditions and requirements for construction and exploitation of incinerators, Decree № 7 defining requirements and conditions for the places where installations for waste’s processing might be installed and Decree № 8 defining requirements and conditions for construction of storage facilities and other equipment as well as installations for waste’s processing and decontamination;
Legislation concerning different types of wastes – Decree for packing and wastes from packing, Decree defining the system and way for utilization of the sediments from waste waters through their usage in the agriculture, Decree defining the requirements for treatment of the wastes generated by the vehicles, Decree defining the requirements for treatment and transportation of the wastes generated during the production of titan dioxide, Decree defining the requirements for treatment of worked off oils and wastes from petroleum products, Decree defining the requirements for market access for batteries and accumulators and transportation of wastes from batteries and accumulators and Decree defining the requirements for market access for lamps containing mercury and their treatment and transportation. National Railway Infrastructure Company
New adopted legislation introduces the European legislation for protection of the environment into Bulgarian juridical system. The most important European Directives and Regulations are as follow: Framework Directive 75/442/ЕЕС concerning wastes, Directive 91/689/ЕЕС concerning danger wastes, Regulation 259/93/ЕС for monitoring and control of waste’s transportation within EU borders, Directive 94/62/ЕС for packing and wastes from packing and other. The entire European legislation is directed toward establishment of transparent and clear relationships and trust between business, administration and civic society. ДП “Национална компания Железопътна Инфраструктура”
The concrete actions for protection of the environment and implementation of the environment legislation undertaken by the National Railway Infrastructure Company are as follow: Classification of the generated wastes in accordance with Decree № 3 for waste’s classification – 48; Preparation of Working Sheets for waste’s classification, in accordance with Decree № 3, which should be sent for approval by the Regional Inspectorates for the Environment and Waters – 348; Detached grounds for waste’s collection and temporary storage in accordance with Decree 7, issued August , defining the requirements for grounds where the equipment for waste’s treatment is installed.– 111;
National Railway Infrastructure Company Prepared and sent for approval by the RIEW – Company’s Program for Waste Management in accordance with article 29.,par. 3 p.2 of the Law for Waste Management (LWM) – 15. Every year the respective Bulgarian authorities received Identification charts for generated wastes for every detached ground, which are prepared by the NRIC in accordance with the Appendix 11 to article. 10, par. 3 of the Decree № 9, issued September concerning the system and templates for giving information for the activities related with the wastes as well as for the system for organization and keeping of public register for the issued permissions and the documents of the objects and activities which are closed – 157; № 9, issued September concerning the system and templates for giving information for the activities related with the wastes as well as for the system for organization and keeping of public register for the issued permissions and the documents of the objects and activities which are closed The yearly reports for generated wastes are prepared and sent to the respective Bulgarian authorities in accordance with the Appendix 9, par. 1, p. 2 from Decree № 9, issued September concerning the system and templates for giving information for the activities related with the wastes as well as for the system for organization and keeping of public register for the issued permissions and the documents of the objects and activities which are closed – 695 ;
National Railway Infrastructure Company In accordance with par. 32 from LWM every year the respective RIEW receive yearly reports for program’s execution– 15. For every ground for wastes storage an accounting book is kept in accordance with article 25, par. 1 from LWM and article 7, par. 1 from the Decree № 9, issued September concerning the system and templates for giving information for the activities related with the wastes as well as for the system for organization and keeping of public register for the issued permissions and the documents of the objects and activities which are closed The due actualizations of the programs and reports in the Company are done when is necessary.
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