Research Background and Question Data Collection and Sources Maps and Skills utilized Major Findings
U.S. housing foreclosure crisis from 2007 to 2009: huge direct and indirect financial and social impacts Main causes: Deregulation of mortgage loans, high percentage of high risk lending Reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) and etc. Micro level: homeowners and renters, neighborhoods and communities Need and capacity at the local level in terms of preventing foreclosures, providing assistance and mitigating the impacts of relevant households Urban spatial structure: the complex relationship among the locations of population, economic and social characteristics and activities (such as housing, racial diversity and employment experience), physical networks, and etc.
Do the existing housing counseling agencies in Los Angeles County have a good service coverage? What is the next step? Identify areas that need most help in terms of prevention and assistance Propose optimal locations for additional counseling agencies Examine social, economic and demographic data of the new service area to provide insights on designing the services provided and staffing of the new agencies
Foreclosure data estimated_number_foreclosures estimated count of foreclosure starts over 18 months from Jan 2007 through June estimated_foreclosure_rate - number of foreclosure starts divided by number of mortgages times 100. Mortgage Bankers Association National Delinquency Survey, estimated by the HUD model *Original Data
Operation Hope,INC (English, Spanish) Shalom Center for T.R.E.E. of Life (English Only) NID-HCA (English Only) West Angeles Community Development Corp. ( English.) East Los Angeles Community Corporation (ELACC) (Spanish) Korean Churches for Community Development (Korean) Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services (English, Spanish) ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions (English, Spanish) New Economics For Women (English, Spanish) Source: ources.html ources.html *original data
Racial Majority Index Majority defined as the group having the largest percentage of total population White alone Asian-Pacific Islander alone Black alone Hispanic Having two or more races Some other race alone
Index of “the Needy” Percent of families below poverty line-- 50% Percent of population having less than high school education-- 50%
Problem: Find the most suitable location for additional housing counseling centers Parameters : (equal weight) Supply: Far from existing centers Needs: # of foreclosures Index of the Needy (social, economic factors) Identify the area with the greatest need for additional housing counseling agencies
Located the detailed locations based on geographic information in the top 2 hot spot areas
Build model Convert to Raster Index and Reclassify Weight and Index Hot spot analysis
Use Geocoding to place the proposed 2 new locations Use Service Area Analysis to determine the new service area within 15 and 30 minutes drive
Relatively young with a mean age around 30 More female Majority White and Hispanic ~ 10 to 30% foreign born
Huge spatial disparity in terms of the locations of housing counseling agencies in LA County Severe need for additional agencies in Lancaster and Palmdale Social, economic and demographic data provides great insights on the design for new agencies. Implications: provide both Spanish and English, online services, legal assistance and etc.