E XPORT I MPORT W ORKSHOP B Y D R.H K S AHJWANI Sahaj Imports and Exports 603, Amrapali Shopping Complex Sector : 5 Noida Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 1 Mobile:
B E A N E XPORTER I N 5 M INUTES Make Sure That You Really Want to Be An Exporter Choose the Name of the Firm. Open A CURRENT account in An Authorized Dealer Bank Apply for IEC (Import Export Code) Decide the category of the Products you want to export Apply for the membership of Export Promotion Council (EPC) Search for the countries which Import your Category of Products Search for the Vendors who sell these products in our country. YOU ARE EXPORTER NOW!! GO AHEAD AND EXPORT Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 2
O VER V IEW O F T HE C OURSE 1. Introduction To Export Import (EXIM), Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), ITC-HS, Export Promotion Council (EPC), EPC’s Status Certificate. 2. Product Search, Packaging, Trade Blocks & Free Trade Agreements 3. Export Import Statistics 4. Fucus On Excise, Customs, FEMA, EOU and SEZ 5. Deemed Export 6. Export Import Procedures, Documentation and Shipping & Logistics Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 3
O VER V IEW O F T HE C OURSE (C ONTD.) 7. Letter of Credit (LC). 8. Export Credit Guarantee Corporation. 9. Export Import Finance. 10. Benefits of Exports : MEIS, SEIS, MAI, MDA, Drawbacks … 16 benefits. 11. Export Marketing and Important Websites. Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 4
Introduction To Export Import (EXIM), Export Promotion Council (EPC). EPC’s Status Certificate Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), ITC-HS Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 5
I NTRODUCTION T O E XPORT I MPORT (EXIM) Types of Export 1. Product Export 2. Service Export 3. Software Export 4. Re-Export of Goods 5. Deemed Export 6. Counter Trade 7. Offshore Trading Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 6
E XPORT P ROMOTION C OUNCIL (EPC) Main Functions of EPC are 1. To provide commercially useful information and assistance to their members in developing and increasing their exports 2. To offer professional advice to their members in areas such as technology upgradation, quality and design improvement, standards and specifications, product development, innovation, etc. 3. To organise visits of delegations of its members abroad to explore overseas market opportunities 4. To organise participation in trade fairs, exhibitions and buyer- seller meets in India and abroad. Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 7
E XPORT P ROMOTION C OUNCIL (EPC) C ONTINUED To promote interaction between the exporting community and the Government both at the Central and State levels; and 6. To build a statistical base and provide data on the exports and imports of the country, exports and imports of their members, as well as other relevant international trade data. *** Click to Read DetailsClick to Read Details Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 8
E XPORT P ROMOTION C OUNCIL ’ S S TATUS C ERTIFICATE Depending upon Value of Export done by Firm, Export Promotion Council gives status (Star Status) to the firm Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 9 Status CertificateFOB /FOR in $ million One Star (*)3 Two Star (**)25 Three Star (***)100 Four Star (****)500 Five star (*****)2000 FOB (Free On Board), FOR (Free On Road) and CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) are terms of delivery)
F OREIGN T RADE P OLICY (FTP), Foreign Trade Policy Copy right International Computer Centre Mobile Slide- 10