Word Ladders First Grade Row - Boat Unit 4 Week 3 Created by Kristi Waltke
On the bottom rung of your ladder spell… row
Change the beginning of row to make a word for what you do to make a balloon expand. row
blow You should have spelled…
Change the beginning of blow to make the color of the sun. blow
yellow You should have spelled…
yellow Change the beginning of yellow to make a word for a soft item on a bed for your head.
pillow You should have spelled…
pillow Scramble the first three letters in pillow to make a word for a body part that is close to your mouth.
lip You should have spelled…
lip Change the ending of lip to make a word for something that screws on the top of a jar.
lid You should have spelled…
lidlid Change the middle of lid to make a word for the weight of something being moved.
load You should have spelled…
load Change the first and final letters in load to make a word for clothing that is worn over your clothes in cold weather.
coat You should have spelled…
coat Change the beginning of coat to make a word for a vessel that travels on water.
boat You should have spelled…
Youve just gone from row to boat in nine words. Way to go!