To ensure that our certifications remain meaningful and valuable indicators of candidates’ skills, Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) certifications will require recertification every two years and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) certifications will require recertification every three years.
The existing MCTS, MCITP, and MCPD certifications are currently valuable in the market and will remain valuable as long as companies are using the technology covered in your certification. As new technologies are released, they will be released in the new solutions structure. Over time, the MCTS, MCITP, and MCPD certifications will retire and will transition to a legacy status. Legacy Microsoft Certifications will still appear on your transcript and will be designated as such.
Expert-level certifications better prepare you to pursue a master-level certification by validating the full range of skills and abilities required to be successful at building technology solutions. Expert-level certifications also validate deeper technology skills than were included in the past, which helps bridge the gap to the difficulty level of master certifications.