Presented by: Name Month XX, 2012 Is It Depression Or Teen Angst? Insert logo of speaker’s organization Insert host logo Insert local partners’ logo
“The so-called adolescent upheavals are no more than the external indications that [such] internal adjustments are in progress.” A. Freud Freud. Psychoanal Study Child
Warning Signs Unusual sadness, irritability, or acting out Loosing interest in things previously enjoyed Changes in appetite or weight Major shifts in sleep patterns (especially sleeping more) Lethargy or decreased energy Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt Diminished academic performance Increased use of alcohol or drugs Aches and pains with no physical explanation
Adults vs. Adolescents Adults: Depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities Decrease in appetite or weight Decrease in sleep Lethargy or agitation Decrease in libido Social environment plays a small role Adolescents: Depressed mood, irritability, or loss of pleasure in daily activities Overeating, increased weight Increase in sleep Lethargy, decreased energy Little sexual impairment Reactive to social environment
Facts About Adolescent Depression Adolescent depression is not rare Depression runs in families Adolescent depression can lead to: –Academic and social impairment –Self-injury –Self-medication –Increased risk for depression in adulthood –Suicide (third highest cause of death in adolescents)
Self-harm As many as 1 out of 4 teens self-injures. Cutting is the most common form Self-harm is extremely addictive There are 2 main varieties: –Injuring to feel pain –Injuring to alleviate negative emotion
Depression and College College is a risky time for many teens Be on the lookout for signs of depression or bipolar disorder Don’t discontinue therapy or medication when starting college
Treatment for Adolescent Depression A treatment plan combining psychotherapy and medication is often very effective. Psychotherapeutic Options: Interpersonal therapy (IPT) Behavioral activation Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT )
Treatment for Adolescent Depression Psychopharmacology Options: –Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) –Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) –Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs) Visit a psychiatrist to explore if psychopharmacology is right for you
Additional Resources [Include your contact information] [Add information on resources in your area] Learn more about depression on
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