Housing, health and Inclusion Jake Eliot Policy Officer National Housing Federation
outline Making the links Policy issues – Supporting People and PSA 16 Case study – bringing the issues together
Housing, health and inclusion
Housing and Social Inclusion
How can housing and support fit with health? Care and support Independence with support People experiencing exclusion
Supporting People: progress to build on Value for money services £3.41bn of financial benefits User involvement, tailored support planning Joint commissioning – more joined up working in the future? Developing understanding of levels of need, but where is this held, and how is it used?
The local government landscape “greater flexibility to set priorities, greater discretion over how to meet them.” Single set of national indicators Local priorities set through Local Area Agreements
PSA 16 – target on social exclusion A home and a job are important to stop exclusion, and support providers are vital partners in achieving this –Improving supply and access –Better planning and commissioning –Joint working to improve connections Image Copyright: Southdown Housing Association
Fair Society, Healthy Lives - the Marmot Review social determinants of health, “the socio-economic conditions that influence the health of individuals, communities and jurisdictions as a whole” Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities Strengthen the role and impact of prevention
Big challenges The link between accommodation and support Getting the case for supported housing heard Joining up services, focusing on prevention personalisation: achieving more independence, choice and control
St. Stephens Close, Three Rivers HA County Durham Supported living to help people move towards independent living 8 self contained flats with 24 hour support and access to community networks Floating support available to aid transition to other accommodation £22,000 estimated savings per client per year compared to residential care
Stay in touch… Jake Eliot, Policy Officer Direct line: