Disease Fighting Disease Tamara Al Naama 7D
Disease is something contagious, you get sick if you get it. It makes you tired, sleepy, no energy, unable to think or try hard in anything, and weak. All diseases are spread by microbes, if someone is sick, blows their nose or coughs and touches you without washing their hands or spend so much time around you, you'd get sick. An infectious disease is a contagious disease. To know if someone is ill, their eyes could be teary, they might have a fever, they would be tired and sleepy all the time. Coughing, sneezing, yellow face, no appetite for food, lose weight…
Viruses are not able to reproduce, they are intracellular parasites and Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, they absorb nutrients from the environment or produce their own nutrients. Stufelococus and Streptococcus are some non- viral microbes.
Tonsillitis and Pneumonia are 2 diseases causes by bacteria. Bacteria is more dangerous than viruses because bacteria needs antibiotic to cure but some viruses are self-limited, which means heal by itself without medication. To stop the spread of disease you have to wash your hands frequently, wear a mask at home if its contagious or just keep your distance from others. Don’t touch or breath on people.
Infectious Diseases Non-infectious Diseases Lyme diseaseCancer Fatal familial insomniaPoison Ivey Common coldHeart diseases Influenza(Flu)Diabetes SmallpoxParkinson’s disease ToxoplasmosisArthritis
An antibiotic is a compound that kills bacteria. Alexander Fleming discovered them, they help heal scars and wounds. They are small molecules and they can be administrated as eye drops. Our bodies protect us from diseases caused by microbes because we grow immune to it since we've been sick before and its been inside our bodies. White blood cells help us get better when sickened by an infectious microbe because they are apart of the immune system so they catch the bacteria and kill them.
Incubation Period means the time it takes for a virus or bacteria to start off the symptoms in a humans body. Antibiotics are incapable of doing anything to a virus but they do kill bacteria. Viruses can cause a fever but also build immunity in the body. The more viruses there are inside someone’s body, the higher his/her temperature.
Done By: Tamara Al Naama Date: Class: 7D