Take a closer look at bullying and its consequences.
The Facts: What is bullying? Bullying is the purposeful and often repeated attempt to intimidate, embarrass or harm another person. Misuse of power Bullies have greater size, status or popularity that their targets
The Facts: Effects of Bullying Serious, and potentially deadly. 160,000 students skip school to avoid being picked on. Stress related illnesses including headaches, stomach troubles, panic attacks and depression. Depression that leads to suicide or homicide.
The Facts: Types of Bullying Physical bullying Pushing, tipping, hitting, or causing physical pain to another.
The Facts: Types of Bullying Social bullying The use of peer pressure and manipulation to isolate and hurt the target’s feelings.
The Facts: Types of Bullying Verbal bullying Teasing, mocking, threatening, insulting, spreading rumors, gossiping and lying.
The Facts: Types of Bullying Cyber bullying Verbal, or social bullying using cell phones, instant messages, or social networking sites