I Like Where I Am Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading
Vocabulary trouble giant chuckle fair strong block tears glee usually
trouble Something that is difficult or upsetting.
giant Very large or huge.
chuckle To laugh quietly.
fair Just and by the rules.
strong Having great power or strength.
block Part of a city or town.
tears Drops of salty water that come from your eyes
glee Great happiness or joy.
usually Something that commonly happens.
Amazing Words adjust landmark unexpected tease quiver foreign accent forlorn
adjust To get used to a new situation.
landmark Any natural or human-made feature such as a building, a statue, a bridge, or a tree that identifies a location and can serve as a guide for directions.
unexpected Comes as a surprise or something you do not think will happen.
tease To make fun of another person in a playful or hurtful way.
quiver Shakes quickly with movements or sounds.
foreign A country that is not your own.
accent When someone pronounces words in a way that is heard in a different part of the country or in a foreign country.
forlorn Lonely and sad.