The Landscape The Limited English Proficient (LEP) Hispanic population is between 10,000,000 – 15,000,000. (U.S. Department of Education, 2003) Hispanics are the nation’s largest and fastest growing minority Hispanics are the nation’s largest and fastest growing minority population, increasing by 60% from to 40,000,000. population, increasing by 60% from to 40,000,000. (U.S. Census Bureau 2000) (U.S. Census Bureau 2000) The Hispanic labor force is growing four to five times faster The Hispanic labor force is growing four to five times faster than non-Hispanic workers. (U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004) than non-Hispanic workers. (U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2004) The Hispanic English as a Second Language (ESL) population is The Hispanic English as a Second Language (ESL) population is 30,000,000 people. (NALS, 2000) 30,000,000 people. (NALS, 2000)
The Challenge “Learning English is the single most critical factor in workforce advancement, improved income, and reducing poverty among working immigrants and their families.” (Source: Urban Institute, 2004) “Worker turnover is likely to cost U.S. businesses more “Worker turnover is likely to cost U.S. businesses more than $600 billion over the next two years.” than $600 billion over the next two years.” (One Straight Line, March 11, 2004) (One Straight Line, March 11, 2004) “Labor is the number one issue facing operators today.” “Labor is the number one issue facing operators today.” (Workforce Solutions, 2003) (Workforce Solutions, 2003)
Industry is Asking for Help Customer Service Quality Customer, Employee Safety Worker Loyalty Employee Retention Promoting from Within Recruitment (Labor and New Customers) Consumer & Community Relations
L.E.P. Hispanics are Asking for Help Communication: Self-confidence Enhanced Job Performance Career Advancement Opportunities BoH > FoH > Management > Ownership Increased Household Incomes –Send-Back to country of origin –Better Life for Children –Higher Education Ability to Help Kids in School
The Solution Sed de Saber (Thirst for Knowledge) Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) Curriculum Enhanced LeapFrog Quantum Pad w/ Microphone Fun, Familiar, Friendly Technology Six Books & Cartridges, Batteries, Power Adapter, Headset, Case Record / Playback / Compare Voice Functional Conversation & Comprehension in 4 Months $325, Infinitely Re-Usable
The Ingredients Workplace Context 500 Vocabulary Words, 340 Phrases Lifeskills Content Parent-Teacher Conferences, Doctor, Banking, etc. Educational, Learning Standards Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) U.S. Department of Education Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) U.S. Department of Labor
Why It Works Learning on their own terms Self-Paced Average 30 minutes per day x 4 months (paced evaluations) At Home Voluntary Benefit vs. Mandatory Training (Off Clock, No Payroll $) Comfort, Privacy of Home Games, Novela = Fun = Results Confidence to Practice, Develop, Improve Pronunciation Family Learns English Together Customized for Hispanic adults with limited English proficiency
Quantitative Measures: English Language Learning Average gain in English language proficiency: 67%
Qualitative Measures: User Feedback 95% - “…is easy to use.” 95% - “…is easy to use.” 96% - “…has helped me learn English.” 96% - “…has helped me learn English.” 95% - “…increased confidence in speaking English at work.” 95% - “…increased confidence in speaking English at work.” 94% - “…boost to my personal and professional development.” 94% - “…boost to my personal and professional development.” 94% - “…has been a worthwhile investment in my career.” 94% - “…has been a worthwhile investment in my career.” 99% - “…demonstrates my employer’s commitment to me.” 99% - “…demonstrates my employer’s commitment to me.” 95% - “…I feel more connected to my employer.” 95% - “…I feel more connected to my employer.” 96% - “…overall, has been a positive experience.” 96% - “…overall, has been a positive experience.” 97% - “…I would recommend that others participate in SdS.” 97% - “…I would recommend that others participate in SdS.”
Employer Feedback: Increased Promotions Employees who gain English language proficiency can move up: Retention Education customers report that 31% of their Sed de Saber users are promoted or promotable in just 4 months.
Employer Feedback: Reduced Turnover Employees are staying longer and are more career-oriented: Retention Education customers report an 83% average annualized reduction in turnover among their Sed de Saber users.
325 Customers 25,000 participants
Growing Adoption by Fed., States U.S. Department of Labor -- $1.1 Million Grant 8 Cities in Texas U.S. D.O.L. Purchases Matched by Private Sector Supported by SER National Jobs for Progress Nonprofit Hispanic workforce development agency California, Texas, Arizona School systems – increasing parental involvement