Crafting a Full-Bodied IL Program: Using CRM as a Strategic Framework to Maximize Value Lea Briggs – University of New Mexico Lora Leligdon – Dartmouth College Todd Quinn – University of New Mexico
Our Service Chain Internal Service Quality Employee Satisfaction Employee Retention External Service Quality User Satisfaction User Loyalty Funding Growth Employee Productivity Profit (Resources) Workplace design Job design Employee selection Employee development Recognition Tools to help users Excellent service, consistently delivered Service designed and delivered to exceed expectations Retention Repeat Users Referrals Advocates Partnerships Heskett, et al, 2008.
Partner Advocate Supporter Customer Prospect Emphasis developing and enhancing existing relationships Emphasis on new users Narayandas, 2005
CRM Continuum Defined Narrowly and tactically Defined Strategically implementation of a specific project solution implementation of an integrated series of customer-oriented solutions holistic approach to managing relationships to create value Payne & Frow, 2005
Payne and Frow, 2013
Strategy Development Where are we and what do we want to achieve? Who are the customers that we want and how should we segregate them?
Segment the Market
Value Creation How should we offer value to our customers? How should we maximize the lifetime value of the customer we want?
Multi-Channel Integration
Multi-channel Integration What are the best ways for us to get to customers? What are the best ways for customers to get to us? What does an outstanding customer experience/deliverable look like?
Consistency in the message
Information Management
How should we organize information on customers? How can we ‘replicate’ the mind of customers and use this to improve our activities?
Performance Assessment
How can we increase resources and shareholder value? How should we set standards, develop metrics, measure our results and improve our performance?
Future Work Solicit and compile framework for variety of institutions & analyze results Compare results of various IL programs framework to identify value opportunities
References Association of College & Research Libraries. (January 2012). Characteristics of programs of information literacy that illustrate best practices: A guideline. Retrieved from Heskett, J. L., Jones, T. O., Loveman, G. W., Sasser, J. E., & Schlesinger, L. A. (2008). Putting the service-profit chain to work. Harvard Business Review, 86(7/8), Narayandas, D. (2005). Building loyalty in business markets. Harvard Business Review, 83(9), Payne, A., & Frow, P. (2005). A strategic framework for customer relationship management. Journal Of Marketing, 69(4), doi: /jmkg Payne, A., & Frow, P. (2013). Strategic customer management: Integrating relationship marketing and CRM. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Image Credits Coffee Cup by Ryu1chi Miwa: Miwahttps:// Barista by Ladder by Geraint Rowland: Rowlandhttps:// CRM Framework - Payne & Frow, (2013). p221. Any Which Way by Ian Wilson: Starbucks sizes by Antonie Silveira: Tim Horton’s by Coffee milk, sugar by Bertalan Szürös Szüröshttps://