Going WILD! WILD Education introductory workshop Date | Location CWFEducation.ca | CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca
Workshop Agenda (morning) List your agenda here! CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FédérationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca
Workshop Agenda (afternoon) List your agenda here! CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FédérationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca
Why are we here? Goal: demonstrate how to use the WILD Education activity guides in your educational context Prepare you to run the activities with your students/youth Discover additional CWF Education resources Have fun! CWFEducation.ca | CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca
What is WILD Education? A family of conservation education programs: o Project WILD o Below Zero o Fish Ways (to be released in 2012) Programs have been tested and evaluated to ensure sound pedagogical foundations CWFEducation.ca | CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca WILD Education Training Respect Links with school curriculum Resources Network
Project WILD Developed in the US in the 1980s Canadian Project WILD: o Developed in 1982, launched 1984 o CWF program ever since Can be integrated into academics o All subjects, all grades, all ages Focus on o All non-domestic animals o Microscopic to megafauna Contains 121 activities CWFEducation.ca | CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca
Below Zero 46 activities to complement Project WILD o Focus on winter conditions o Arctic environment Developed by CWF with Canadian partners o Developed in 1996, piloted from o Launched in 2003 Can be integrated into academics o All grades, all subjects, all ages CWFEducation.ca | CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca
Structure of Project WILD and Below Zero Stimulate awareness and appreciation Develop knowledge and skills Engage Responsible decision-making Responsible actions CWFEducation.ca | CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca Action Awareness Wildlife and environment
Structure of Project WILD and Below Zero 7 sections: o Awareness and appreciation o Diversity of wildlife values o Ecological principles o Management and conservation o People, culture and wildlife o Trends, issues and consequences o Responsible human actions Each activity has background info on habitat, species, etc. to deepen your knowledge and provide context – you don’t have to be an expert! Activities indexed by: o Indoors, outdoors, aquatic o Grade, subject o Skills CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FédérationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca
CWFEducation.ca Online resources: Curriculum fit Resource centre o Download activities o Videos o Order posters Users must sign-up to have access to all resources CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FédérationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca
More Educational Programs Habitat 2020 National Wildlife Week/Walk for Wildlife (walkforwildlife.ca)walkforwildlife.ca Rivers to Oceans Week video contest (riverstooceans.ca)riverstooceans.ca Hinterland Who’s Who (hww.ca)hww.ca Summer Institute WILD Classes of the Year ( mag.ca) mag.ca CWFEducation.ca | CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca
Peer Teaching In pairs, select an activity based on your interests, the age group or subject matter you work with. Prep time: 20 minutes You will have 5 minutes to explain how to run the activity to the group. Include two adaptations or variations for different age groups or settings (urban vs. rural, camp, Girl Guides, etc.) CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FédérationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca
Peer Teaching CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FédérationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca If desired, provide a list of activities for peer teaching groups to choose from. Include page numbers.
Want more WILD Education? Upcoming facilitator training weekend: o Date For more information, o o Your address, if desired Thanks for coming! CanadianWildlifeFederation.ca | FédérationCanadiennedelaFaune.ca