Literacy What do I teach and how do I get it all in?
Targeted objective: Teachers will identify all aspects of literacy as it relates to the teaching and learning cycle and develop an awareness of how to accomplish their literacy goals.
What? ReadingWritingWord-work -Genre features -Reading process -Reading skills, objectives -Genre features -Writing process -Writing traits -Grammar skills, objectives -Spelling and phonics -Vocabulary development
Not only must we teach it….. But we must plan before we teach And we must assess after we teach AND we must we evaluate our assessments to further help us plan. *T&L CYCLE
We must also consider levels of support: Reading/Writing To (Read Aloud/Mini-lesson… prior to SSR or writers workshop) Reading/Writing with (Guided or Shared Reading/Writing… small or whole group support) Reading/Writing by (independent…. SSR, writers workshop)
Videos: Learning About Reading Learning About Writing
Make it work for you ….
THE 7 COMMANDMENTS 1. In grades 1 and 2 (grade 3 if possible), thou shall have AT LEAST 1.5 hours of uninterrupted block of reading instruction. NO INTERUPTIONS! 2. Thou must not see every group every day. 3.Thou must be flexible in their grouping. 4. Thou must not skip blocks. ESPECIALLY SSR. 5. Thou shall get testing done during SSR. 6. Saxon phonics shall be a separate 30 minutes only. 7. AR test shall NOT be done during the blocks.
Okay….. What are the other kids doing when I am with small groups? Meaningful learning task…. WORD WORK! (video)
Take on only what you can do effectively.