Endangered Animal Act Brandon Rolling Hills Elementary 2006
The Endangered Species act was written in 1973 to protect plants and animals that are close to being extinct. Endangered Species are put in two categories, "endangered” and “threatened”. The law states that a person cannot remove a baby of an endangered species. There are big fines for injury or killing any endangered species.
By May 31, 2000, there were 1051 species protected by the Endangered Species Act and 128 animal species were threatened.
The Peregrine Falcon declined 80% because of the pesticide called DDT. The Peregrine Falcon went on the endangered list in 1974.
The Peregrine Falcon used to be on the endangered list but the government removed it from the list in It is still a protected species however in some states.
Bibliography Falcon Watch 2006; Lynne Harvey; 2006; The Endangered Species Program; U.S. fish and Wildlife Service; Endangered Species Act; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 2006;