THE FRENCH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (INCa) Focusing care on patients The patient Committee
»February 2000: »World summit on Cancer: President CHIRAC signs the “Charte de Paris” »March 2002 »The National Plan for cancer control is launched (70 steps) with the decision of founding the National Cancer Institute May 2005 »The French National Cancer Institute is founded INCa Présentation Page 2/12
»Necessity for the government’s to create a determined alliance to fight the disease and unite patients, researchers, manufacturers and public organisations »Answer to the need of coordination: »Fighting the second cause of mortality in France Adapting new cancer knowledge into a coherent, integrated system »Ensuring fair care for all patients Ensuring patients' rights during and after the disease. Why a National Cancer Institute? Page 3/12
»Defined according to three axes: »Patients »Equal access to quality cares and innovation »Patients support and social life »Better prevention, screening and diagnosis »Health workers »Promotion of multidisciplinary approaches for patient care »Organization of the public and private sectors in a cancer network »Keeping the healthcare professionals and their environment up to date »Research Mission Statement Page 4/12
»Key words: coordination, openness, relevance, fairness, attention and respect »Board Committee »Scientific Committee »Ethics Committee »Consumers and Patients Committee Steering Authorities Page 5/12
»A permanent authority which is regularly consulted and listened. »Includes twelve persons, ills or cured, parents or associations representative. »Expression of political will to place the patients at the heart of cancer control, »respected, given clear information and listened to attentively, with their families. »Main values: Humanity Proximity Expertise Hope The Consumers and Patients Committee Place Page 6/12
»Patients should be followed-up throughout their treatment »Their return home, their re-entry into active life and maintenance of their social networks should be facilitated. »All patients should have access to the latest treatment, wherever they are treated. A global patient management Page 7/12
»Stimulating relationships within the cancer network (home, hospital, doctors and communities) »Developing clinical practice guidelines »Equal access to state of the art equipments and innovative treatments »Improving communication between Doctors and patients (medical record available…) Quality’s cares to develop : patients first Page 8/12
» Developing support treatment: palliative cares, nutrition, psychological support… »Giving priority to home care and improve the life quality afterwards »Maintaining a proper hospital environment for the children (presence of parents, teachers…) Quality’s cares: patient support Page 9/12
»For a better integration of patients in hospitals: »Facilitate the involvement of volunteers within hospitals: signed agreements between associations and establishments. »Encourage the formation of patients’ committees within hospitals. »Give patients access to information and possibilities for controlling their fertility. The perception of cancer to change Page 10/12
Maintain the social link »Improve home help »Facilitate home hospitalization »Adapts grants for family help »Improve reimbursement for external mammary prostheses and whigs »Facilitate access and return to work »Facilitate access to insurance and bank loans »Set up psychological studies: effects on families, psychosocial and economic difficulties, living conditions Page 11/12
»“..United » in the fight against cancer” Page 12/12