PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 1 Job Planning Training Programme Draft January 2014
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 2 Module 1 The Job Planning Process
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 3 Aims of job planning Job Planning at core of contract (with appraisal); Using doctors’ time to best meet local service needs and priorities; Agreeing expected outcomes; Link to appraisal; Better engage doctors in improving patient care and service modernisation.
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 4 The Job Plan Agreed outcomes & supporting resources All doctor’s NHS commitments Number & schedule of Sessions Prospective timetable of commitments Doctor fulfil agreed duties & make best efforts to meet outcomes
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 5 Who and When? Clinical manager, doctor & service manager or equivalent Part of normal annual job cycle round 3 Stages – job plan meeting - review plans for team - confirm individual job plans Team job planning
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 6 Team Job Planning Where appropriate to be encouraged Many aspects can be done through team discussion E.g., apportioning clinical work fairly; who leads on activities such as teaching, clinical audit, etc Individual job plan still needed to pick up individual PDP issues, etc
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 7 Links with Appraisal Separate but linked process Likely to be done by different people Appraisal PDP needs to inform the Job Plan discussion Appraisal where quality of SPA activities generally considered Effective job planning and effective appraisal help ensure revalidation
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 8 Doctor’s Responsibilities Help ensure regular job planning happens, and quality of discussion Bring issues and ideas to the table Ensure service improvement discussed Help prepare relevant supporting information Identify proposed SPA activities
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 9 Manager’s Responsibilities Ensure regular job plan reviews occur, and quality of discussion Bring organisational priorities and ideas to the table Help prepare relevant supporting information Ensure service improvement discussed Ensure outcomes agreed relating to wider business and organisational issues
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 10 Potential barriers to effective job planning Competing priorities; Culture and attitudes; Time for job planning; Lack of robust information; Lack of preparation; Trust between doctor and their manager.
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 11 Preparing for the Review 1 Doctor can helpfully provide: - any previous job plan, or list of current clinical responsibilities previously agreed additional duties proposals for SPA activity - any clinical audit/governance issues - PDP and ideas for improving service
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 12 Preparing for the Review 2 Clinical and service manager to be aware of - Directorate targets - any clinical audit/governance issues - planned changes to service delivery and any wider organisational issues - available resources Input from other parts of NHS doctor works in
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 13 Preparing for the Review 3 Developing Outcomes:- activity & safe practice clinical outcomes clinical standards local service requirements managing resources quality of care
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 14 Preparing for the Review 4 Information sources:- local clinical systems management systems external best practice benchmarking - valid, accurate, & agreed
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 15 Preparing for the Review 5 Briefing the participants:- - Briefing/training for those involved - Briefing/training for clinical & service managers - Notice of review meetings - Prior discussion of the format - ‘No surprises!’
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 16 Preparing for the Review 6 Setting the environment:- - agree the date well in advance - suitable room, no disturbances - allow plenty of time - agree format/expectations beforehand - set the right tone
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 17 Stage 1: Describing Existing Work Existing work and activities Pressures and constraints On-call Work above/below normal hours/sessions Reasons for this Expected changes Proposals for the coming year
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 18 Stage 2: Review Balancing workload Alternative ways to deliver service Improve clinical practice Service modernisation/innovation Outcomes and benchmarks Addressing problems Effects on others
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 19 Stage 3: Confirming the Job Plan Reaching agreement Documenting – signed Job Plan Consequent action Monitoring progress Resolving disagreements
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 20 Appeals Process Formal process exists Emphasizes and encourages local informal resolution of issues Formal hearing as a last resort Outcome likely to be ‘rough justice’ All parties have to work together in future years
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 21 Following Up/Future Years In-year changes Problems achieving outcomes End-of-year review Developing the process Evaluation & monitoring
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 22 Job Planning Currencies This covers DCCs, SPAs, additional responsibilities, and external duties
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 23 Direct Clinical Care emergency duties (including on-call) operating sessions, incl. pre and post operative care ward rounds and outpatient activities clinical diagnostic work public health duties multi-disciplinary meetings about direct patient care patient related admin linked to clinical care
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 24 Supporting Professional Activities audit CPD clinical governance activities training and formal teaching appraisal job planning research
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 25 Additional NHS responsibilities Other responsibilities in the organisation not undertaken by the generality of doctors e.g. clinical manager, clinical audit lead, clinical governance lead
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 26 External Duties External duties e.g. trade union duties, work for the Royal Colleges or Government Departments in the interests of the wider NHS
PayModernisation NHS Wales Working in Partnership 27 End of Module 1