Back In Stride Again! Room 19 – Ms. Colette Smith, Teacher Phone Number – Here are the following changes for the School Year 1. All class-work will be introduced and issued at the beginning of the week. 2. There will be folders on the counter which contain the lessons that you are responsible for completing before or on the last day of the week. Everyone will have their own folder. 3. When you have completed your lessons, one by one, place them in the bin on my desk.
4. Please …… Ask questions if you do not understand the assignments, rules or regulations. 5.You may take some work home, but it must be returned by the end of the week.
What Are My Expectations? What do I want to accomplish this year? How do I achieve my goals? What is my work study plan?
My Teachers ’ Expectations Are... I must be on time. I will be ready to work. I will have my tools. I will try and concentrate on my work. I will not interrupt my classmates ’ learning opportunities. I will be well-rested! I will follow the school ’ s and classroom ’ s rules and regulations.
What courses will I be taking this year? United States History Modern History American Government/ Economics Consumer Math Algebra Geometry Occupational Education English BiologyPhysical Science Chemistry Earth Science
Course Listings by Your Grade – 9th Modern History is the study of world events beginning with the Enlightenment Period through today. English will be a journey to enhance reading and writing skills. Math will uncover the world of Consumer Math. Science will be the discovery of who,what, when, why and how of life. BIOLOGY.
10 th Grade Listings United States History beginning with Industrialization through the present. English will concentrate on vocabulary skills to strengthening writing skills. Math will be Algebra! Science will be Physical Science; dealing with a lot of matter.
11 th and 12 th Grade Listings American Government, exploring the origin and functions of our government, and Economics, learn basic economic systems and theories. These courses will be the last history courses required for graduation. English will be a continuance of vocabulary, reading and writing skills to build a portfolio for these last two years. Math will be cover Geometry and Algebra. Earth Science and Chemistry will be the last of the science courses.
What About Those Other Courses? Occupational Education is a four year course which explores life skills with emphasizes on jobs and careers. Art is not only drawing and coloring, it is theories! Music notes researching why the music plays! Physical Education is body building and exercising.
AND NOW, THE 8 TH BELL!!! Sign LanguageBandLiterature ChoirUrban IssuesFrench The listing for available after these classes school begins! and more will
My 8 th Bell Offering – Urban Issues Start with answering the question, how did they evolve in the U.S.? African- Americans,Native Americans, Europeans and Asians We will discuss the problems which occur in our society of a social, economic and political natures. Examples would be, crime, job opportunities, education,reporting news,school, government.
Criteria for Determining Grades - Core Courses Points Weight There will be 6 quizzes per quarter % Tuesday – History & English Wednesday- Math & Science Midterm- covers material from the first half to the present % Final – will cover all material from the quarter % Six weekly assignments % Project – one for each quarter % combination or one from each subject for each semester. Total 1, %