©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Using Competencies Successfully
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Learning Objectives After this session, you will be able to: Explain what competencies are and why we use them. Devise a plan to achieve high scores in appraisal. Devise a plan to achieve success in promotion interviews. Devise a personal development plan using your competency framework.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO What is the purpose of competencies in your view? Discuss…
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO View author’s notes
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Look at the competency framework. Identify at least three things that you notice about it.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Competency framework Behaviors Observable – what someone actually does Competency Made up of one or more behaviors Cluster Group of related competencies Levels One or more level for each competency Described in terms of observable behavior Job Profile Describes competencies and levels for each job
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Characters Paige Chris James Judi David Tracy Haq Eddie
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Chris and Paige meet on the stairs at a busy time – two days before the end of the quarter. Chris is preoccupied with his appraisal, due later that day, and Paige is anxious about her promotion interview, also later that day. The Story Play Movie…
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO What is your manager looking for when he or she appraises you? Discuss… Using Competencies in Appraisal
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO STAR Approach Situation Task Action Result PROBE Approach Position Responsibility Objectives Behavior Effect
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO How should you prepare for a competency- based appraisal? Discuss…
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Begin as soon as the previous appraisal is over. Start with the competency framework. Study each behavior indicator. Ask yourself, “Could I convince people that I do this now? – what is my evidence?” Preparing for appraisal
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO If you have the skills… Look for opportunities to display the behaviors. If they do not readily present themselves –create the opportunities yourself.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO If you do not have the skills… Identify the aspects of the behaviors that are causing you difficulty. Discuss these with your manager. Devise a personal development plan.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO In summary… To succeed in appraisal: –Demonstrate those behaviors that your job calls for. –Prepare specific and convincing evidence. –Look for opportunities. –Create opportunities. –Develop yourself. –Record specific examples.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Look at the behaviors required for each of your jobs. Take turns asking each other the following question: “I am looking for evidence that you display such and such a behavior? Can you give me an example of when you have done so?” Pairs Exercise
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO For each behavior that you have identified as a weak area – one with unconvincing evidence: Discuss what opportunities might currently exist to display the behavior. Discuss how you might create opportunities other than those that exist already. Pairs Exercise
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO For each behavior where you are not confident that you could display the required behaviors: Discuss ways in which you might be able to develop yourself in order to display the required behaviors. Pairs Exercise
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Using Competencies in Promotion Interviews What are interviewers looking for? How does this differ from what managers are looking for in appraisal?
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Getting promoted Look at the higher level competencies. Identify those behaviors that you will need to demonstrate. Look at the differences between what you do now and what is required in the senior job. Write down those differences. Plan to develop your behavior.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Using Competencies for Self-Development How can we use our competency framework to devise effective personal development plans?
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO What are competencies? They are written standards that govern the way people do things in this organization. They consist of observable behaviors. They involve different levels.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Using competencies successfully Use them in appraisal or performance reviews. Use them to gain promotion. Use them for self-development.
©Telephone Doctor, Inc, St. Louis, MO Using Competencies Successfully