Investor Relations | page 1 Investor Relations | 1 Institutional Presentation March, 2007 Unibanco and Unibanco Holdings, S.A. Investor Relations
Investor Relations | page 2 Investor Relations | 2 Overview of Unibanco Investor Relations
Investor Relations | page 3 Investor Relations | 3 Highlights *In 1Q07 Controlled by the Moreira Salles group Publicly traded at Bovespa (Brazil) and NYSE Level I Corporate Governance on the Bovespa Level III ADR on the NYSE and a member of IBOVESPA Very liquid stock: R$48.5 mln / US$24.1 mln ADTV* at Bovespa R$171.8 / US$85.5 mln ADTV* at NYSE Financial statements in US GAAP since 1997
Investor Relations | page 4 Investor Relations | 4 Offers investment products via Unibanco Asset Management to individuals and institutional investors and covers high net worth individuals, in the private banking segment Total assets under management: R$45.6 billion 2 nd place in Private Banking (Anbid), with a 9.5% market share as of March, 2007 A Snapshot of Unibanco As of March 2007 Balanced business mix Aggressive expansion in the retail segment Benchmark in consumer finance and wholesale business Serves individuals and SMEs with annual revenues lower than R$150 million More than 24 million clients Leading Consumer Finance franchise Improvement of the credit card portfolio, which posted a 24% growth over the past 12 months Payroll linked loans portfolio presented a growth of 64.5% when compared to March 2006 Retail and Consumer Credit Wholesale Full coverage of more than 2,000 corporations with annual revenues greater than R$150 million, in addition to institutional investors in Brazil and internationally Investment Banking: M&A, Capital Markets & Project Finance The Wholesale loan portfolio reached R$19,671, up 19.9% over the past 12 months Wealth Management CROSS SELLING Joint venture with AIG Individuals and corporate: life, auto, assets, disability, pension funds and annuities Unibanco AIG operational results: 13% up from 1Q06 Unibanco Insurance and Pension Plans placed 4 th in the ranking of private pension plans published by Susep, with a 9.1% market share as of February, 2007 Insurance & Annuity – Unibanco AIG
Investor Relations | page 5 Investor Relations | 5 Wholesale and Wealth Management Audit Committee Gabriel Jorge Ferreira Chairman Members Board of Directors Pedro Malan Chairman Pedro Moreira Salles Vice-Chairman Board Members CEO Pedro Moreira Salles Retail Organizational Structure Prominent Board Members Independent Audit Committee Legal and Tax Planning, Control, Operations and IR Treasury Insurance and Pensions HR and Communication Risk, Compliance and Operational Efficiency Guilherme A. Ferreira Israel Vainboim Pedro Bodin Armínio Fraga Joaquim F. Castro Neto João Dionisio Francisco Pinto Israel Vainboim Rogério Calderón Eduardo A. Guimarães Guy Almeida Andrade Marcos LisboaGeraldo Travaglia Claudia Politanski Demosthenes Madureira Márcio Schettini José Rudge Daniel Gleizer
Investor Relations | page 6 Investor Relations | 6 Over 80 years of history to become one of the leading full service banks in Brazil Timeline
Investor Relations | page 7 Investor Relations | 7 Segmentation and Distribution Client Focus Nationwide Distribution (As of March 2007) More than 17 thousand points of sale Branches North Northeast Southeast South Mid-West Brazil947 Corp. Site Branches 255 1, ,614 2,857 Points of Sale 11, Stores 671 Mid-West46 Southeast434 South240 Stores Brazil720 Consumer Finance Companies North Northeast Southeast South Mid-West Brazil North Northeast Southeast South Mid-West Brazil North Northeast Southeast South Mid-West Brazil North Northeast Southeast South Mid-West Brazil Small Business Large Companies Upper Middle Market Private Bank UniClass Segment Exclusive Segment Corporate Individuals Lower Middle Market WholesaleRetailPrivate Banking
Investor Relations | page 8 Investor Relations | 8 Client Base In Millions of Clients Consumer Finance Universal Bank Joint- Ventures with Retailers Dec-03Dec-04Dec-05Mar-06Dec-06Mar
Investor Relations | page 9 Investor Relations | 9 Retail Business Model 100% UnibancoJoint-VenturesAlliances
Investor Relations | page 10 Investor Relations | 10 Individuals Car Loans Corporate Payroll Loans Total Portfolio Loan Portfolio Growth 39,684 23,891 15,793 Credit Cards Consumer Finance Companies Mar-06Dec-06Mar-07 18,31917,425 28,68227,936 47,00145,361 1,4962,4612,036 3,9874,9475,070 2,9002,7152, R$ Millions 1,396 Mortgages 1,5451, SMEs 7,4889,0118, Large Corporate 16,40319,67119, Portfolio highlights 3,7395,0094,594 Quarter % 12 months %
Investor Relations | page 11 Investor Relations | % Dec-06Mar % 40.8% Mar-06 Acquired portfolioOwn portfolio R$ Millions 1,173 1, % 1,246 1,021 1, , ,461 Payroll Loans
Investor Relations | page 12 Investor Relations | 12 Mortgage Construction Loans (Plano Empresário) Mortgage Financing Letter of Credit program Participation on the equity side of residencial developments Construction Loans to Developers aiming the final buyer’s mortgage Sistema Fácil Plano Único Presence in the sector: Fidelization/Cross-selling Main actions in 2007: Improvement of credit approval process (credit analysis in less than 30 minutes) Improvement of customer services (Unibanco takes care of all the necessary documents) (1) Closer relationship with developers and brokers through agreements (Rede Secovi, Lopes) Unibanco is preparing itself for the development of this market in Brazil (1) Valid for the cities of São Paulo, Rio de janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Recife
Investor Relations | page 13 Investor Relations | 13 Mar-06Mar-07 3,739 5, % 1Q06 = Auto Financing 1Q07 Market Cars + Trucks & Buses Loans Focus: New Cars (Financed Units) Focus: New Trucks & Buses (Financed Units) R$ Millions 1Q06 = 100
Investor Relations | page 14 Investor Relations | % 3,987 4,947 Mar-06Mar-07 Credit Cards +31.2% 4,172 5,474 R$ Millions Billings (Unicard + Hipercard) Loan Portfolio (Unicard + Hipercard) Number of cards (In millions) Total Cards 8 Credit Cards Private Label cards 30.0 Jun-04Dec-04Jun-05Dec-05Jun-06Dec-06Mar-07 1Q061Q07
Investor Relations | page 15 Investor Relations | 15 Financial Performance Investor Relations
Investor Relations | page 16 Investor Relations | % Annualized ROAE (%)Stockholders’ Equity (R$ Bln) Net Income % 1Q07/1Q06 1Q Operating Income Performance % % 10.3 R$ Millions 1Q071Q051Q041Q %
Investor Relations | page 17 Investor Relations | 17 Destaques 5.4% Retail portfolio growth in 1Q07: - Payroll loans: 20.9% (64.5% YoY) - Car loans: 9.0% (34.0% YoY) - SMEs: 5.8% (20.3% YoY) Loan Portfolio 18.4% reduction in provision for loan losses, 1Q07 vs 1Q06 (down 1.7% QoQ) Better ratio of D-H portfolio over total loans (6.2% vis-à-vis 8.0% in March 2006) Higher E-H portfolio coverage ratio, 116%, compared to 113% in March 2006 Asset Quality Improvement Stocks Unibanco ADTV (1) (Bovespa + NYSE): R$220 million in 1Q07 versus R$179 million in 1Q06, a 23% increase Market Capitalization (2) : R$30.2 billion Operational Efficiency Personnel and Administrative expenses: - 7.8% reduction compared to 4Q % up in 12 months - 1.8% up in 12 months for companies under Unibanco’s direct management Highlights (1) Average Daily Trading Volume (2) As of May 9th, 2007
Investor Relations | page 18 Investor Relations | 18 1Q071Q06 1Q06 = 100 Performance – 1Q07 versus 1Q Loan Portfolio Administrative Expenses Operating Income Net Income Provision for Loan Losses Core Deposits 133
Investor Relations | page 19 Investor Relations | 19 1Q074Q06 Performance – 1Q07 versus 4Q Loan Portfolio Administrative Expenses Operating Income Provision for Loan Losses Core Deposits 105 Net Income 1Q06 = 100
Investor Relations | page 20 Investor Relations | 20 Income Statement Summary R$ Millions 1,8841, (1,384)(1,501) , (1,328) Q06 Gross Profit from Financial Intermediation 4Q06 (524)(533)(642) 2,4082,4902,358 1Q07 Personnel and Administrative Expenses Fees from Services Rendered Provisions for Loan Losses Net Profit from Financial Intermediation Operating Income Net Income
Investor Relations | page 21 Investor Relations | 21 Financial Indicators Net Profit from Financial Intermediation Total Assets Loan Portfolio Earnings per Share (R$) 103,709 93,689 98,217 Mar-06Dec-06 45,361 39,684 1,902 1,716 1Q062Q063Q064Q06 1,724 1Q07 101,999 Mar-07 41, R$ Millions Mar-06Jun-06Dec-06Mar-07 43, Sep-06 Jun ,191 1,957 1,884 1Q062Q063Q064Q061Q ,001
Investor Relations | page 22 Investor Relations | % Dec-06Mar % 5.4% Mar-06 Wholesale Retail R$ Millions 39,684 45, % 25,940 23,281 19,421 16,403 47,001 27,330 19,671 Loan Portfolio Growth Brazilian Financial System 13.8%18.4%3.6% 20.7%21.0%3.3% 2006 Quarter 12 months
Investor Relations | page 23 Investor Relations | 23 1Q061Q07 9.3% 10.9% 7.9% Financial Margin After ProvisionFinancial Margin 23.3% 21.8% 27.2% 27.9% Provision for Loan Losses / Financial Margin -730 b.p. 1Q072Q063Q061Q % 4Q % 12.75% Selic Rate 7.2% Financial Margin 29.1% 4Q05
Investor Relations | page 24 Investor Relations | %6.4%8.0% 116% 115% 113% 92% 69% Mar-06Dec-06Mar-07 Mar-06Dec-06Mar-07 Mar-06Dec-06Mar-07 Asset Quality D-H Portfolio / Loan Portfolio Coverage E-H Portfolio Coverage D-H Portfolio 92%
Investor Relations | page 25 Investor Relations | 25 3,963 6,757 5,452 16,172 29,631 89,583 45,803 43,780 45% Demand Deposits Savings Deposits Core Deposits CDs Core Deposits Time Deposits + Debentures Assets Under Management (B) Total Deposits + Debentures + AUM (A+B) Total Deposits + Debentures (A) Core Deposits / Total Deposits R$ Millions 5,248 3,604 28,725 39,924 35% Mar-07Dec-06Mar-06 Deposits and Assets under Management 4,014 7,510 5,478 45,606 17,002 29,430 92,038 46,432 49% 3,959 12,811 81,460 41,536
Investor Relations | page 26 Investor Relations | % 4Q061Q % -10.6% 1Q06 AdministrativePersonnel R$ Millions 558 1, , ,384 Personnel and Administrative Expenses Total Expenses
Investor Relations | page 27 Investor Relations | 27 Fee Income R$ Millions Total Banking fees and commissions Credit Cards – own cards (1) Assets under management 4Q061Q071Q06 Subtotal Redecard Other fees (1) Hipercard + Unicard
Investor Relations | page 28 Investor Relations | 28 Revenues R$ Millions Efficiency Ratio Expenses 47.5% 53.7% 1Q051Q061Q041Q07 1,921 1,143 2,212 1,187 2,797 1,328 Efficiency Ratio 59.5% 2,940 1,501 4Q % 1, % 2,835
Investor Relations | page 29 Investor Relations | (67) Net premiums written Premiums earned Industrial result Personnel and administrative expenses Operating income Net Income R$ Millions (58) Q074Q061Q06 Insurance and Pension Plans 1, (63) Financial & equity result 8253 Income Statement Summary 8, % Technical Reserves Loss Ratio 7, % 8, % 94.4%Combined Ratio 93.7%94.4%
Investor Relations | page 30 Investor Relations | 30 Stocks Unibanco was the first Brazilian bank to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) In 2007, Unibanco celebrates its 10 th anniversary of listing in the american market
Investor Relations | page 31 Investor Relations | 31 On April 27 th, 2007, Moody’s Investors Service upgraded Unibanco’s Financial Strength rating to B- (B minus) from C-, representing a 3-notch upgrade The new rating is the highest assigned in the country, and places Unibanco among the top Brazilian banks in Financial Strength. Only 2 other financial institutions obtained the same rating Unibanco's Rating is upgraded Ratings Fitch Ratings upgraded, on May 14 th, 2007, Unibanco's rating to BBB-, which represents an investment grade. The rating refers to the long-term foreign currency IDR (Issuer Defaut Rating) and is the highest among Brazilian Financial Institutions. This current level is also higher than the rating assigned to Brazil, BB+.
Investor Relations | page 32 Investor Relations | 32 Shareholders’ Structure Investor Relations
Investor Relations | page 33 Investor Relations | 33 Moreira Salles Group Float Units + GDS Others Total 513,068 1,075,410 40,668 1,629,146 Unibanco Holdings Float Units + GDS Others Total 1,629,146 1,075,410 98,515 2,803,071 18% 38% 2% 58% 38% 4% 100% PN Unibanco Holdings PN Unibanco + UNITs 76.7% Shareholders’ Structure % of Unibanco shares Thousands of Shares 1 GDS=10 Units
Investor Relations | page 34 Investor Relations | 34 Ratings Investor Relations
Investor Relations | page 35 Investor Relations | 35 Unibanco Ratings Fitch Ratings Unibanco BB+ Foreign Currency Brazil Long Term Short Term BBB- B F3 BB+ Local Currency Brazil Long Term Short Term - Unibanco BBB-F3 Standard and Poor’s Unibanco BB+ Foreign Currency Brazil Long Term Short Term BB+ B B BBB Local Currency Brazil Long Term Short Term A-3 Unibanco BB+B Moody’s Long Term Debt Long Term Deposits Short Term Deposits Financial Strength Unibanco Baa3 (1) NPB-Ba3 Brazil Ba2Ba3NP- Global Scale: Foreign Currency Global Scale: Local Currency Long Term Deposits Short Term Deposits Unibanco P-1A1 Brazil A1P-1 (1) The Baa3 rating was attributed to the MTN Programme (Medium Term Note Programme) of Unibanco and also to the notes indexed to the IGP-M (General Market Price Index) and payable in US dollars issued by Unibanco Grand Cayman Branch.
Investor Relations | page 36 Investor Relations | 36 Unibanco and Unibanco Holdings, S.A. This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding Unibanco, its subsidiaries and affiliates - anticipated synergies, growth plans, projected results and future strategies. Although these forward-looking statements reflect management’s good faith beliefs, they involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company’s actual results or outcomes to be materially different from those anticipated and discussed herein. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to our ability to realize the amount of the projected synergies and the timetable projected, as well as economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors affecting Unibanco’s operations, Junkets, products and prices, and other factors detailed in Unibanco’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission which readers are urged to read carefully in assessing the forward-looking statements contained herein. Unibanco undertakes in duty to update any of the projections contained herein. Investor Relations phone: fax: site: