France: Republic & Empire Mr. Ermer World History Miami Beach Senior High
The Republic of Virtue Committee of Public Safety creates “Republic of Virtue” based on Rome Committee of Public Safety creates “Republic of Virtue” based on Rome –“Mister” and “Madame” replaced by “citizen” –Democratic republic made of good citizens –Slavery abolished, education for all –“dechristianization”: churches looted and closed, word “saint” removed from names of streets and buildings, priests encouraged to marry, Notre Dame designated “temple of reason”, calendar changed to new years/months Dechristianization failed, most French still very Catholic
Nation at Arms CPS decrees mobilization of armed forces to defend the republic CPS decrees mobilization of armed forces to defend the republic –1794: army = 1 million soldiers Pushes back invasions, invades Austrian Netherlands Pushes back invasions, invades Austrian Netherlands French Revolution changes European national identity, changes European warfare French Revolution changes European national identity, changes European warfare Revolutionary leader Robespierre, seen as too powerful, overthrown, guillotined 7/28/1794 Revolutionary leader Robespierre, seen as too powerful, overthrown, guillotined 7/28/1794 Reign of Terror ends Reign of Terror ends
The Directory Nat’l Convention weakens the power of CPS, reopen churches, new constitution Nat’l Convention weakens the power of CPS, reopen churches, new constitution –Creation of new legislature to be elected Ruled together with the Directory –Directory was very corrupt Royalists and Radicals unhappy with gov Royalists and Radicals unhappy with gov 1799: Directory loses power in a coup d’etat, Napoleon now in power 1799: Directory loses power in a coup d’etat, Napoleon now in power
The Rise of Napoleon Napoleon born: 1769 on island of Corsica Napoleon born: 1769 on island of Corsica Given royal scholarship to military college Given royal scholarship to military college 1785: Lieutenant in royal army 1785: Lieutenant in royal army –Soldiers don’t like him b/c he’s short, poor and spoke with Italian accent Student of the philosophes, and read military histories Student of the philosophes, and read military histories 1792: promoted to captain in army 1792: promoted to captain in army 1796: promoted to brigadier general by CPS 1796: promoted to brigadier general by CPS
Napoleon’s Military Successes 1796: made commander of French forces in Italy, wins soldiers’ confidence by being charming, energy and decision making 1796: made commander of French forces in Italy, wins soldiers’ confidence by being charming, energy and decision making –Returns to France as a hero Given command of army to invade Britain Given command of army to invade Britain –N knows British navy will defeat French, suggests invading British colony of Egypt –British navy takes Egypt back
Napoleon’s Coup d’Etat 1799: Napoleon takes control of government, holds absolute power 1799: Napoleon takes control of government, holds absolute power –1802: crowns himself Emperor Napoleon I Creates powerful bureaucracy to run gov Creates powerful bureaucracy to run gov –People judged only on their ability Creates a code of laws Creates a code of laws –Equality under law, right to choose profession, religious toleration, frees serfs Napoleon recognizes Catholic Church as French religion, gets to keep church lands Napoleon recognizes Catholic Church as French religion, gets to keep church lands –Agreement keeps peace in France
Coronation of Napoleon
Napoleon’s Empire 1799: France at war with Britain, Russia and Austria, peace called in : France at war with Britain, Russia and Austria, peace called in : New war against Britain, Russia, Austria, Sweden and Prussia 1803: New war against Britain, Russia, Austria, Sweden and Prussia –Austria, Russia and Prussia quickly defeated Grand Empire= French Empire, “dependent states” and allies of France Grand Empire= French Empire, “dependent states” and allies of France : Napoleon is master of Europe : Napoleon is master of Europe
Europe Responds Britain survives because of powerful navy Britain survives because of powerful navy –Naval superiority makes British island almost invulnerable –Britain defeats French-Spanish navy at Trafalgar Napoleon tries to cut British goods from reaching European markets Napoleon tries to cut British goods from reaching European markets Other Europeans don’t like being told who to do business with, rebel Other Europeans don’t like being told who to do business with, rebel British colonies still making it money British colonies still making it money
Fall of Napoleon French revolutionary ideals promote a cultural unity known as Nationalism French revolutionary ideals promote a cultural unity known as Nationalism 1812: Napoleon invades Russia, when they refuse Continental System 1812: Napoleon invades Russia, when they refuse Continental System –Napoleon wants to make example of them –Russians refuse to fight, run for hundreds of miles, burning cities so French can’t use them –French arrive in a burning Moscow –French army heads home in winter, freeze
Napoleon Leaving Russia
Napoleon’s Final Defeat Other Europeans stand up to Napoleon Other Europeans stand up to Napoleon –Paris captured in March 1814 –Napoleon exiled to island of Elba Bourbon monarchy restored—King Louis XVIII—former king’s brother Bourbon monarchy restored—King Louis XVIII—former king’s brother –King not supported, Napoleon slips back into Fr. Soldiers sent to arrest Napoleon, they take his side and escort him to Paris in triumph Soldiers sent to arrest Napoleon, they take his side and escort him to Paris in triumph Battle of Waterloo: Britain & Prussia defeat N Battle of Waterloo: Britain & Prussia defeat N
The Battle of Waterloo
Now Work On It: On page 312, write and answer questions 1-13