General info The University of West Bohemia (UWB) was established in 1991 through the merger of the Institute of Technology and the Faculty of Education UWB is composed of eight faculties with more than 60 departments and three institutes of higher education - plus Institute of Art and Design The university has students
UWB Area Bory Area in the center
Faculties: Faculty of Applied Sciences Faculty of Economics Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Faculty of Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Health Care Studies Institute of Art and Design
Values Acknowledged by the University Specialized and universal knowledge Education and applicability in real life Both innovative and traditional approach Individualism and partnership Research and its applications Support for the entrepreneurial environment Contribution to the harmonious development of the individual and society
Our sign The old one: The new one:
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Department of English Language and Literature Department of Anthropology and Historical Science Department of Archaeology Department of Nearby-East Studies Department of Philosophy Departments of Germanic and Slavonic Studies Department of Politics and International Relations Department of Roman Languages Department of Sociology