Morning Warm- Up. School is a good place. We all learn new things Morning Warm- Up! School is a good place. We all learn new things. No one is left out. How do we learn together at school?
Morning Warm- Up. Let’s pretend to take a walk in a city Morning Warm- Up! Let’s pretend to take a walk in a city. Think about all the things you can see. What will we talk about when we get home?
Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about a group of children who put on a class play. They know how to share and work together. How does our class work together?
Morning Warm- Up. Boys and girls work together at school Morning Warm- Up! Boys and girls work together at school. Today we will read about a club where children take care of pigs, cows, and hens. Do you think working together can be fun?
Morning Warm- Up. This week we read about working together at school Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about working together at school. What do we share as a group? How can we show respect for our classmates?