Word Ladder towel…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 3 Week 3
On the bottom rung of your word ladder, write the word towel
Use the blue letters to spell a word for a night bird that is known for being wise. towel
You should have spelled…. owl
Add a two letter blend to the beginning of owl to make a word for a frown. owl
You should have spelled… scowl
Add the letters a, r, and d to the blue letters in scowl to spell the antonym to brave. scowl
You should have spelled… coward
Trade the black letters in coward for an s and a y to spell a word for sleepy. coward
You should have spelled… drowsy
Add the letters b and e to the blue letters in drowsy to make a word for shop around. drowsy
You should have spelled… browse
Add two letters to the blue letters in browse to make a compound word for a part of the face that protects the eyes. browse
You should have spelled… eyebrow
Add the letters h and v to the blue letters in eyebrow. Then make a word for on the other hand. eyebrow
You should have spelled… however
Use the first two letters from however and three other letters to make a word for dog. however
You should have spelled… hound
Change the first letter in hound and make a word for a small natural hill. hound
You should have spelled… mound
Change the first letter in mound and make a word for covered, wrapped, like in a bandage. mound
You should have spelled… bound
Use the o from bound and a double consonant to spell the antonym of on. bound
You should have spelled… off
You just went from towel to off in twelve words.