Navy Foundation Kerala Charter Veteran Officers Home project
Need a) Old Age and absence/ inability of near and dear ones to take care or do not wish to burden them. b) Privacy/ independence. c) Single living- Widowers/ widows. d) Security, support and social interaction at appropriate levels. e) Health and medical care.
Services expected Decent shelter with security, social company and mutual support. Freedom from cooking, cleaning utensils,regular purchases etc. Freedom from washing, ironing of clothes, cleaning of rooms/toilets. Freedom from need to go around paying bills for services, undertake maintenance/repairs. Medical attention and essential care. Link with family/friends with out being a burden.
Intention of the project To provide suitable and safe accommodation. To provide all facilities as common services/ amenities.( Messing,conservancy, common services, recreation, medical and health care) To provide casual accommodation for visiting guests of inmates. To facilitate social company and mutual support for a peaceful, healthy and happy living.
Project options 1. Govt. Land & Funding by Govt./NPF. 2. NFKC initiative. Funding by members and NPF grant /loan. 3. NFKC initiative. Independent project with members investing. Present Choice – Option No 3
Location A) With in City Area- Nearness to all facilities. High cost- approx Rs 24 Lakh Congested Area B) Out side city Area- Away from the madding crowd. Lower cost- approx Rs 16 Lakh O pen area and peaceful Majority choice - B
Proposed project Out side city Land identified near Kalady as part of Art of Living Village under development on the banks of Periyar river. Dist approx 40 Kms from Kochi. Advantages: a) Part of developing peaceful living area. b) Common Ashram facilities would be available to us. c) Able to chose amount of land reqd by us. Single storey complex with scope for expansion.
Membership Priority wise 1. NFKC Members. 2. N F Members. 3. Serving Naval Officers. 4. Veteran Army/ Air Force/ Coast Guard Officers
Management NFKC Management committee Residents elected office bearers Manager By Laws to be made on mutually agreeable and legally acceptable terms.
Ownership NFKC/Reg. Society will own the land and all constructed/ purchased common property. Investors – Will have legal right for use of all facilities. – After their life time, full investment with appreciation* will be handed over to the nominated NOK on sale to a new investor. – Withdrawal* from scheme may be permitted if new investor is awaiting entry. – If dwelling unit is not used by the investor then the unit may be rented to a needy member and earned rent paid to the investor.* * conditions apply
Project Plan To purchase approx 100 cents of land. Construct 40 dwelling units and common facility area as a composite group. Single storey construction with easy access to common facility area. Develop garden/ walkway etc. Common facility to cater for:- a) Reception, lounge, Library/reading room. b) Dinning Hall, Kitchen, Pantry, Store, Wash. c) Recreation room, Heath club, Sick Bay,Laundry. d) Staff quarters, Parking, Canteen store.
Proposed Dwelling Unit Rooms Approx Area sq ft Drawing Room 12x8 = 96 Bed Room 16x12=192 Multi utility room/pantry 12x8 = 96 Toilet 8x7 = 56 Private open verandah 8x5 = 40 Approx Area 470 sq ft
Cost Aspects 40 Unit Complex A) Land: lakh per cent - = 1.3 Crore Cost per Individual = 3.25 Lakh B) Dwelling units: 40 (Approx 600 sq ft incl. of common space) Cost per dwelling unit 600 x 1500/- = 9 lakh Total Area 600x40= sq ft. Cost x 1500/- = 3.6 Crore C) Common Area 6000 sqft x 2000/- = 1.2 Crore Cost per individual = 3.0 lakh Total Cost Approx = 6.1 Crore Cost per Individual ( ) = Lakh Approx
Minimum Requirement For the Project Land 100 cents at 1.3 Lakh per cent = 1.30 Crore Common Area 3000 Sq = 0.60 Crore Dwelling Units 15 x 9.0 lakh = 1.35 Crore Total Funds reqd. = 3.25 Crore Possible source Full Investors –15 x lakh= 2.28 Crore Part Investors –25 x 4.0 lakh = 1.00 Crore Total Funds expected to be raised = 3.28 Crore
Part Investors Benefit Assured Membership in the project having paid the cost of land. Right to stay when required/ desired. – Conditions-Become full investor by paying the cost at that time, minus land cost. Withdrawal of part investment with interest after minimum lock in period. Note: Part investors are only to help the project go through. Part investment will no way help the project in real terms.
The End For queries/clarification/ expression of interest kindly contact Hon. Secretary, NFKC- Capt Rajan George (Retd) Mob Tel