Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
MyFloridaMarketPlace Prioritized Change Requests – Vote Results Change RequestHour Estimate CR 37 Mass Edit Purchasing Codes144 CR 36 Make the Encumbrance number and the DO number the same376 CR 40 IR Remove Accounting Validation on Rejected IRs200 CR 42 Add accounting details to Analysis496 CR 26 Mass edit for Invoice Reconciliation1126
MyFloridaMarketPlace Prioritized Change Requests Estimate Analysis CR 37: Mass Edit for Purchasing Code and Method of Procurement Fields –Current Challenge: Currently, the Purchasing Code and Method of Procurement fields must be updated individually on each requisition line item. This causes a significant time commitment from the purchasing staff and can dramatically affect their workload. –Proposed Solution: Changes will be made to the mass edit functionality for requisitions so that the Purchasing Code (labeled “Buyer Code” in MyFloridaMarketPlace) and Method of Procurement fields can be updated for multiple line items.
MyFloridaMarketPlace Prioritized Change Requests Estimate Analysis CR 40: Invoice Reconciliation Accounting Validation –Current Challenge: Currently if a customer is rejecting an IR, all of the accounting must be validated to get the IR in ‘Rejected’ status. Additionally, if a customer is disputing a line item, you also must validate the accounting before continuing. This creates additional work and time to a simple process. Agencies are requesting the following changes: (1) when rejecting an IR, do not require that the accounting be validated, and; (2) when disputing a line item, do not require that the accounting be validated. –Proposed Solution: Changes will be made so that accounting fields are not validated when a line item is disputed. These same changes will also impact the validation logic for a rejected IR (since the reject action disputes all line items). If a customer later selects to cancel a rejection or accept a previously disputed line item, then the accounting fields will required to be valid.
MyFloridaMarketPlace Prioritized Change Requests Estimate Analysis CR 36: Make the encumbrance number the direct order (DO) number –Current Challenge: Currently, the system assigns an encumbrance number just before an encumbered requisition is sent to FLAIR. Once the requisition is fully approved, a direct order (DO) number is assigned. As a result, there are two identifiers for an encumbered requisition and order: (1) a DO number or MA number and (2) an encumbrance number. In FLAIR, the encumbrance number is used for research. The DO or MA number is sent to the vendor and used in MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) but is not maintained in FLAIR. –Proposed Solution: Encumbrance numbers are required to be six characters. Once this change request is implemented, the first encumbrance number assigned must be greater than the last DO number assigned (that is currently expected to be greater than ) so that DO numbers will not be duplicated. Once the encumbrance number reaches , alpha characters will be assigned (for example: A00000, A00001, A00002, ….). When the encumbered requisition is fully approved and an order is generated, a DO number will be assigned starting with “DO” and then appended with the encumbrance number. Encumbered and unencumbered requisitions will use the same incremental counter to reduce the frequency of creating duplicate DO numbers
MyFloridaMarketPlace Prioritized Change Requests Estimate Analysis CR 42: Add Accounting Fields to Analysis –Current Challenge: Agencies are requesting to have searchable accounting data fields added in Analysis. Finance and Accounting need analysis reports to utilize fields such as object code, organization code and the category that requisitions and invoices are coded in order to track spending history and to accurately track the agency’s budget allotments. –Proposed Solution: Changes will be made so specific accounting fields are exported into Analysis for requisitions, purchase orders and invoices. Several fields will be available upon the implementation of this change request. Customers will have the ability to run reports in Analysis with the above accounting fields displayed on the page, row or column. Organization codeExpansion optionObject CodeBudget Entity CategoryCategory YearState Program StandardGrant Grant YearContractContract YearProject ID
MyFloridaMarketPlace Prioritized Change Requests Estimate Analysis CR 26: Mass Edit for Invoice Reconciliations –Current Challenge: When modifying an IR, customers are unable to mass edit accounting details on the line items. Customers must edit line items one at a time. Agencies have requested the ability to mass edit IR line items. This will allow modifications to the IR line item accounting information for all line items or the selected line items based on the existing functionality for requisitions. –Proposed Solution: Changes will be made so that customers can mass edit accounting fields on the line items of IRs. The following are defined as accounting fields for the purposes of mass editing (these are the accounting fields currently available for editing on an individual line item): organization code, prefix, expansion option, object code, budget entity, int. budget indicator, category, category year, state program standard, external program, grant, other cost accumulator, contract, agency unique, contract year, grant year, project id, ext. category, general ledger, ext. general ledger, product id, ext. object, grouping character, BPIN, certified forward indicator, batch, description, quantity, count, transaction fee exempt, transaction fee exempt reason, sub-vendor, times and units.
MyFloridaMarketPlace Change Request to Address Legislature Data Visibility Concern Current Challenge: The Department of Management Services (DMS) currently has a plan to sunset the Statewide Purchasing System (SPURS) application. There is one remaining entity that is using the purchase order functionality of SPURS - the Florida Legislature. The Legislature has requested that their data be scoped so that it is not visible by other agencies in MFMP. Proposed Solution: With the implementation of this change request, there will be three levels of data scoping. The level of access will be implied based on the entity assigned to the user (there will not be any specific groups, roles or permissions assigned for data scoping): 1.All – Data will not be scoped; users will have access to all data (this level of access will be reserved for MFMP project team members for support purposes). 2.Executive-Branch Agency – Data will be scoped to display Executive-branch agency data; users will not have access to the Legislature data. 3.Legislature – Data will be scoped to display Legislature data only; users will not have access to Executive-Branch agency data. Legislative funding available – no impact to CRB
MyFloridaMarketPlace HB687 – Service Disabled Veteran Business The bill will add Service Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises to the Office of Supplier Diversity. This would require a change on MFMP to add this category so that the Office of Supplier Diversity is triggered when a disabled veteran registers with MFMP. These changes would impact several of the MFMP applications and interfaces: Buyer – make modifications to accommodate new OSD code and update catalogs as appropriate SPURS – the interface from MFMP to SPURS would need to be updated to accommodate this code OSD interface – when implemented, this interface will need updates to accept this new identification and possible changes to program to comply with business rules. Reporting – those reports that use minority codes need to be reviewed and updated accordingly The initial Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimate based on our understanding of the requirements and known variables at this time is hours to complete this enhancement. This legislation is not expected to take effect until November 2008.
MyFloridaMarketPlace Change Requests CR 37 Mass Edit Purchasing Codes CR 36 Make the Encumbrance number and the DO number the same CR 40 IR Remove Accounting Validation on Rejected IRs CR 42 Add accounting details to Analysis CR 26 Mass edit for Invoice Reconciliation CR 44 Legislature Data Visibility CR 41 CFO Receipt Date CR 45 Service Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises Parallel concurrent path. No cost or reduction in resources for CRB priorities
MyFloridaMarketPlace Staff as of May 5, 2008 Rachael Lieblick – Operations Manager Eric Swanson – Vendor Manager Amy Smyth – Communications and Process Specialist (4/18/08) Audrey Hughes – Process Specialist (5/2/08) Debbie Gries – Process Manager Kasey Bickley – Purchasing Process Specialist Anne Rabon – Finance and Accounting Process Specialist
MyFloridaMarketPlace SPURS Sunset Focus Group Members: Bob Notman (DOR), Rita Tucker (AHCA), Tim Ellinor (DC), Carolyn Love and Rob Dorman (DCF) Mary Quinsey (DEP) Hanna Watson, Tom Long, Afua DeWindt (State Courts) David Perrin (DCA), Jessalyn Covell (DFS), Renee Gregory (DOH), Wes Underwood (APD) Met 3/25/08 Topics: –Types of Vendor Adds Done in SPURS –Agency Vendor Add Permissions – Who Does This Function in SPURS –SPURS Vendor Add Volume –Top Challenges with SPURS and Wishes for New Vendor Add System (agencies would like to do their own updates) –Other Uses of SPURS
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
New Initiative - Partners in Improving Accountability Establishing accountability measures for Agencies Agency Dashboard to be implemented in FY CFO Memo #2 ( ) issued March 18, 2008 Requires receiving reports for non-MFMP commodity purchases Contractual service payments require contract manager’s signature evidencing receipt and approval of services DFS Update Christina Smith
Agency Addressed Memo #10 ( ) issued April 3, 2008 elaborates on measurements for the following areas: Vendor Invoice Requirements Direct Order/Purchase Order Documentation Contract/Grant Documentation Receiving Report/Acknowledgement for Goods and Services Website address for memorandum posting DFS Update Christina Smith
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
Bureau A Contract Updates Contract Renewal in Process: –Medium & Heavy Trucks: through September 30, 2008 Solicitations in Development: –Ice Machines Lori Potts, –Ammunition: user group meeting on April 3 Mark Lovell, –Recycling of End of Life Electronics Charles Day, –MRO Mark Lovell,
Bureau A Activity Updates Food Service Operations –Expires June 30, 2008 Dietary Supplements –Major product updates Fuel Card –All DOT sites have been converted Legislative Update
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
Bureau B Contract Updates Solicitations in Development: –Phase 2, IT Hardware: Network Infrastructure Combines Servers/Mainframes with Connectivity in a single phase –Managed Travel Services –Gift Card –P-Card
Bureau B Activity Updates –Telephony ITN Proposals due date extended to May 21; anticipated date for new contract July 1, 2008 –Scope of Work for a new P-Card Contract (April 30th) from DFS –Decision point on Computer Software Training: Bid versus continuing the agreement with FSU
Bureau B Hot Topics PCs Laptops and Monitors More laptops were added to the Dell website this week Dell Dispute Status Paper Price Increase to include Office Depot TBD Avis Rental Accidents “caused” by State Employee Officially on state business: Avis covers insurance as long as employee drives “in a safe and prudent manner and rented for business purposes”. Avis Insurance is named as “Primary” under the STC for insurance. Punchout for Medical Supplies AMD wants to begin the process this summer Translation Services No plans for STC right now. HSMV has contract that may be an ACS option.
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
Training and Certification April 17, 2008 Florida Certified Contract Negotiator Diane R. Reed – Seminole County Rosalyn M. Ingram – DOC Terry R. Rocco – DMS Real Estate Victoria L. Chambers – DMS Real Estate Pennington G. Kamm – DFS Tammy G. Rodgers – DCF Michael D. Bailey – DMS State Purchasing Chuvala D. Snell-Brown - DOE
Training and Certification April 17, 2008 Florida Certified Contract Manager –Joe V. Rodriguez – City of Coral Gables –Cyndee Sams – DMS State Purchasing –John J. DeIorio – DFS –Erin R. Lewis – DMA –Lynne C. Slaughter – SJRWMD –Regina N. Saueracker – DFS –Debra D. Satterwhite - DFS
Training and Certification April 17, 2008 Legislative Funding –The funding has been exhausted for this fiscal year. –Based on the proposed budget from the House and Senate, the legislative funding for next year will most likely be $250,000 for Contract Negotiators and Project Management Professionals including the Professional Development Units (PDU’s).
Florida Emergency Supplier Network April 17, 2008 Website address for vendors who want to supply emergency commodities and services for membership in the FESN: ing/florida_emergency_network/florida_emergency_supplier_ network_fesn
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
Legislative Update HB 181/SB 392 Transparency in Local Government Contracts SB 108 Service Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises SB 216/HB 79 State Procurement Advisory Committee HB 1213 Correctional Work Programs HB 1473 Procurement of Contractual Services by a State Agency
Agenda MFMP DFS Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification Governance Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting April 17, 2008
Next Meeting May 15, :00 – 4:00 p.m.