(Title of Presentation) (Subtitle of Presentation) August 8, 2007 Hematologic Cancers Partners Meeting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention May 16, 2008
2 The MMRF was founded in 1998 by a patient and her identical twin to deliver new treatment options to patients. MARKET NEED Incurable disease/no awareness Limited research funding MARKET FOCUS Fund early promising research Validate hypotheses Reduce industry risk Accelerate clinical trials Deliver highest-quality education MARKET EXPANSION National Cancer Institute (NCI) Pharmaceutical/Biotech industry MMRF Background
Educational Focus With four new FDA-approved drugs in the past four years, 20 novel agents, and more than 200 clinical trials, patients and HCPs have numerous questions. MMRF educational efforts address these. Clinical Approaches Revlimid-based regimens Velcade-based regimens Doxil-Velcade Thal-combinations Stem cell transplant Novel agents
Myeloma Background The incidence of myeloma is increasing. Underserved populations continue to be disproportionately affected. High-risk populations African-Americans (men) Men Veterans Age 70+
Project Goals Increase awareness of treatment options and clinical trials among healthcare providers and patients Improve the reach and effectiveness of patient education strategies Increase the awareness of MMRF resources among patients and providers The MMRF’s CDC-supported outreach program has the following objectives:
Accomplishments With initial CDC funding, MMRF efforts focused on identifying partners that reach the target population. The VA emerged as the top partner.
Accomplishments The MMRF is the first and only organization to distribute educational materials through the VA system. With positive initial results, the partnership continues to grow. Myeloma Initiative in VA (MIVA) First-ever comprehensive program to educate patients and HCPs Improve diagnosis and treatment Create research collaborations across centers MMRF tool-kits distributed to 170 centers Program to serve as model for other diseases predominant in VHA
Evaluation The MMRF evaluates key metrics related to volume monthly. Online surveys with key partners are planned for Q Ongoing Measures of Success Total Tool-kits distributed Total BRCs received CME post-test completions Website visitors Patient Navigator profiles created; patients enrolled in trials Participants in MMRF educational programming Planned Surveys Preferred format Preferred frequency Information gaps
Sustainability To sustain the program, the MMRF must cultivate and expand its current partnerships and identify new partners to continue reach to target population. Current Partners VA Medical Centers NCI-designated cancer centers/CCOPS New Partners ACCC US Oncology NMA 100 Black Men NABVETS NBLIC Hematologic Cancers Grantees? VA Healthcare Systems CBOCs Regional Veterans Centers MBCCOPs Expansion Opportunities
Memorable Moment “Through MIVA, the MMRF provided patient and provider educational toolkits to the 170 VA medical centers. The kits provided both audiences with information tailored to their needs…This was the first time that the VA embarked on such a comprehensive disease-specific effort, and I believe this program could serve as a model for other diseases that are commonly seen in the veteran population.” - Thakor G. Patel, MD, Former Program Chief, Renal Diseases, Diabetes and Oncology at the Veterans Health Administration