COST Action E43 Harmonisation of National Inventories in Europe: Techniques for Common Reporting UNECE / FAO Team of Specialist 2nd Meeting of the UNECE/FAO on “Monitoring forest resources for SFM in the UNECE Region”. Hamburg, Germany 29 – 30 May 2006
Participating countries: 27 European countries, USA and New Zealand
Goal: To develop tools to report comparable estimates of forest resources, forest carbon pools and biodiversity indicators Tools: Select variables for basic forest resource, forest carbon pools estimates and biodiversity indicators Establish references Definitions for the references Analyses how far / near from the references countries are Status of E43 with respect to the goals
Develop tools to build bridges when reference is not possible to reach sensitivity analysis Harmonised Forest resource estimates for core parameters for the participating countries with error estimates Reports, Publications a common publication showing the status of NFIs and also possibilities to provide harmonised forest resource, carbon pool estimates and BD information, when, how ? scientific publications reports Status of E43 with respect to the goals, cont
Activities so far to reach the Goals: Selection of variables, references definitions All WGs, WG1: deep analysis for a few, core, variables WG2: most LULUCF and Kyoto variables considered, completing the variable list, yet to be done enhancing the definitions, yet to be done WG3: a list of possible variables ready The variables of WGs partly overlap and between WG co-operation is going on Status of E43 with respect to the goals, cont
Activities to reach the Goals: Analyses how far from / near the references countries are first reports are ready, based on questionnaires responses to 2nd questionnaires received Tools to build bridges a real challenge some work can be done with own resources, e.g. DBH threshold and volume some variables, including Forest land, need additional measurements in the field, and resources (JRC tenders ?) In a long run, unique definitions are needed, this has been realised also in IPCCC/LULUCF and Kyoto work Status of E43 with respect to the goals, cont
Activities to reach the Goals: For between WGs work, and also within WGs work, a Glossary is needed work already initiated Forest resource estimates for core parameters for the participating countries with sensitivity analysis Reports, Publications Status of E43 with respect to the goals, cont
Activities to reach the Goals: For between WGs work, and also within WGs work, a Glossary is needed work already initiated Forest resource estimates for core parameters for the participating countries with sensitivity analysis Reports, Publications Examples of the results
% of forest area assessed % 20% 40 % 60% 80% 5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%n/a coverage classes forest area 3 nb of countries Results of WG1 Forest definition Coverage classes used
Results of WG1, Forest definition Coverage classes used
Results of WG1, Forest definition Crown cover 10 % / non 10 %
WG1, Forest Area and Volume of Growing Stock versus DBH Threshold
WG2 results, Land use issues Forest definition applied
WG2 results, Land use issues Approaches to estimate land-use change
WG2 results, Land use issues Is NFI used for land-use change detection?
WG2 results, NFI data on 5 carbon pools (%)
WG2 results, KP - definitions Adopted forest definition
WG2 results, KP - baseline Data for the baseline year (mostly 1990)
WG2 results, KP – ARD activities The basis for ARD estimation
? Development steps of WG3 activities References for core variables
importance feasibilityVery highHighModerateLow Very high - Forest type: Type; - Trees: Species - Management: Information on forest management system; - Management: Information on recent disturbances/damages; - Trees: Diameter - Management: Regeneration type; - Regeneration: Type High - Deadwood: Big logs; - Deadwood: Snags; - Other woody species: Species; - Shrub: Species - Deadwood: Decay class; - Deadwood: Species; - Soil: Organic layer type; - Trees: Veteran trees - Deadwood: Dead parts on living trees; - Deadwood: Stumps; - Regeneration: Area; - Regeneration: Species; - Stand: Development phase; - Stand: Horizontal structure; - Stand: Vertical structure; - Trees: Health status; - Trees: Height; - Trees: Infections - Shrub: Height; - Trees: Crown length; Moderate- Trees: Age- Soil: Soil type - Deadwood: Length; - Deadwood: Small logs; - Microsites: Microsites; - Naturalness: Vegetation naturalness; - Microsites: Ecotones; - Soil: Moisture Low- Lichens: Species - Birds: Species; - Fungi: Species; - Herbs and grasses: Species; - Invertebrates: Species - Bryophytes: Species; - Vertebrates: Species;
What is included in your definition of deadwood? WG3, DEADWOOD EXAMPLE
Which specific biodiversity data are collected ? WG3, DEADWOOD EXAMPLES Are changes assessed in deadwood through time ?
WG3, FOREST TYPE EXAMPLE On wich basis forest type classification is implemented?
WG3, FOREST TYPE EXAMPLE Forest type classification is based on real or on potential vegetation?
WG3, FOREST TYPE EXAMPLE Wich is the main source of information for forest type classification?
To complete the analysis of the second questionnaires To complete the reference definitions Glossary as a bi-product Tools to build bridges Examples of harmonised estimates Publications 2 years to go, until the end of June, 2008 More information: Status of E43, next steps
Thank you ! Status of E43, Next Steps
Thank you ! Status of E43 with respect to the goals, cont
Annual report A training school was excellently organized in Prague in conjunction with IFER with positive results Output is summarised on a leaflet, printing by COST? STSM for WG2 in Prague without COST funding in December 2005 A steering committee meeting in Prague, 2-3 Feb minutes available on web General Activities within COST E43 since Freiburg meeting
A STSM with own funding and task force meeting in Vienna, late March for WG1 Responses to the 2nd questionnaires received, all WGS first analyses available Allocated home work from Freiburg done ? General Activities within COST E43 since Freiburg meeting
90 reimbursements for 2006 one common ‘task force’ type meeting possible in the end of 2006 If additional fund available, the order of priority 1.STSM 2.Workshops 3. Training schools (only if huge amounts of fund) The involvement of all participants extremely important for the goals How to reach in the case of a limited budget ? The answer from COST office ? Our work has already initiated EUROPEAN level process in our field ! Budget for 2006