Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc1 ECS Overview Piquet Training Session Cuvée 2012 Xavier Vilasis
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc2 ECS configures and monitors Detector Channels Front End Electronics Readout Network HLT Farm Storage L0 Experiment Control System DAQ DCS Devices (HV, LV, GAS, Temperatures, etc.) External Systems (LHC, Technical Services, Safety, etc) TFC Monitor. Farm
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc3 Tools SPECS –Field bus which connects control PCs to FE electronics –SPECS Master –SPECSserver CAN –Field bus to read temperatures –(Also for HCAL Rad Source) DIM –Protocol for data exchange PVSS+JCOP
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc4 The online PC structure Just if you did not know (really ?)
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc5 PVSS PVSS is a SCADA tool JCOP developed by CERN – Components –LHCb framework lhcbfw PVSS projects –Local PC –Libraries in common disk G Scripts and panels PVSS projects are interconnected.
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc6 Online PC disk structure PVSS projects are in L:\PVSS Project Shortcuts G:\calo\CALOPVSSProje ctShortcuts\ Logs are in L:\LOGS Linux /group/calo/CALOPVSSProjectShortcut /localdisk/PVSS /localdisk/logs
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc7 Some vocabulary – FSM structure Visit the ECS web page
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc8 Some vocabulary – DU and CUs Control Units allow the integration of different devices and sub-systems Device Units provide the interface to the various devices
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc9 Some more vocabulary Subdetectors / TFC Partitions Domains Sides –A or C Electromagnetic CalorimeterECAL -EC Hadron CalorimeterHCAL -HC Pre-ShowerPRS - PS - Scintillator PadsSPD DAQ and Trigger domainsDAQ Data Acquisition InfrastructureDAI Detector InfrastructureDCS High VoltageHV Electromagnetic Calorimeter Hadron Calorimeter Pre-Shower/Scintilator Pads
FSM States Each domain has its own collection of states Some are pretty common –Ready, Not Ready… The state of a CU depends on the states of its children These states propagate from one project to the other and from one machine to the other System is run by a FSM language, SMI Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc11
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc12 System overview - Control PCs SystemNameIP AddressRackOS SPECSHCAL C sidehcdaqhvc01w D2C03W ECAL DAQ C sideecdaqhvc01w D2C03W ECAL HV C sideechvc01w D2C03W PRS/SPD C sidepsdaqhvc01w D2C03W HCAL A sidehcdaqhva01w D2C03W ECAL DAQ A sideecdaqhva01w D2C03W ECAL HV A sideechva01w D2C03W PRS/SPD A sidepsdaqhva01w D2C03W Rad Sourcehcdcs01w D2C03W Rad Sourcehcdcs02w D2C03W LVPower Suppliescadcs01w D2C06W DCSELMB Controlcadcs02w D2C03W TELL1HCAL - PS-SPDhcdaq D2C07L ECALecdaq D2C07L ECSCALOcaecs D2C03L DisplayCALOlbca CRL
Control Room – Calo Area Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc13 Display SCREENS Fixed Information Control Room PCs Login with you Personal Account
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc14 Production PVSS projects NumProject NameDescriptionPC 180PSDAQC1PreShower-SPD DAQ Domain for the C-sidepsdaqhvc01w 181PSDAQA1PreShower-SPD DAQ Domain for the A-sidepsdaqhva01w 183PSTELL1PRS TELL1 Projecthcdaq CARACKMON1Platform racks monitoringcadcs02w 185PSHVC1PreShower-SPD HV domain C-sidepsdaqhvc01w 186PSHVA1PreShower-SPD HV domain A-sidepsdaqhva01w 188SPDTEMPDCS1Temperature and RegBoard project for the SPDcadcs02w 189PSDCST1ELMB VFE Temperature probescadcs02w
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc15 Production PVSS projects NumProject NameDescriptionPC 190ECDAQC1ECAL DAQ Domain C-sideecdaqhvc01w 191ECDAQA1ECAL DAQ Domain A-sideecdaqhva01w 193ECTELL1ECAL TELL1 Projectecdaq01 195ECHVC1ECAL HV Domain C-sideechvc01w 196ECHVA1ECAL HV Domain A-sideechva01w
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc16 Production PVSS projects NumProject NameDescriptionPC 201HCDAQC1HCAL DAQ Domain C-sidehcdaqhvc01w 202HCDAQA2HCAL DAQ Domain A-sidehcdaqhva01w 203HCTELL1HCAL TELL1s Projecthcdaq CA2Global Calorimeter Control Projectcaecs01 205HCHVC1HCAL HV domain C-sidehcdaqhvc01w 206HCHVA1HCAL HV domain A-sidehcdaqhva01w 207CADCSLV Low Voltage Non Rack Maraton power supplies for all CALO sub-detectors cadcs01w 208CADCSMV Middle Voltage Agilent power supplies for all CALO sub-detectors cadcs01w
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc17 SPECS bus distribution 0123PCB Bus # PCMASTER1234Logic Bus # PSDAQHVA01W1PRS4PRS5emptyPHV0 2PRS6PRS7empty HCDAQHVA01W1HCAL24HCAL25emptyHHVA ECDAQA01W1ECAL15ECAL16ECAL17empty 2ECAL18ECAL19ECAL20ECAL21 ECHVA01W1EHV0EHV1EHV2empty PSDAQHVC01W1PRS0PRS1emptyPHV1 2PRS2PRS3empty ECDAQC01W1ECAL8ECAL9ECAL10empty 2ECAL11ECAL12ECAL13ECAL14 ECHVC01W1EHV4EHV6 empty HCDAQHVC01W1HCAL22HCAL23emptyHHVC 2empty 3 HCDCS01W1IntegCIntegAempty
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc18 And even more vocabulary : Activities Activity is the type of thing we are doing and the Recipe is what we apply when we receive the corresponding command. It contains the data to be set on hardware. Example –PHYSICS is the activity –PHYSICS/Configure is the recipe. Activites have a hierarchy –PHYSICS|COSMICS DEFAULT activity should exist
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc19 CA2 – Global Control Project - CALO
The structure of CA Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc20 Now Subdetectors are here Click here
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc21 CA2 – Global Control Project - ECAL Double Click to go down in the FSM structure
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc22 HCAL DAQ
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc23 HCAL DAQ CU side C Crate HCAL 23 CU HCAL TELL1 CU FEB DU
Projects in AutoStart Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc24 NumberProject NameDescriptionPCType 180PRSDAQC1PreShower-SPD DAQ Domain for the C-sidepsdaqhvc01wauto 181PRSDAQA1PreShower-SPD DAQ Domain for the A-sidepsdaqhva01wauto 183PSTELL1PRS TELL1 Projecthcdaq01auto 184CARACKMON1Rack monitoring projectCadcs02wauto 185PSHVC1PreShower-SPD HV domain C-sidepsdaqhvc01wmanual 186PSHVA1PreShower-SPD HV domain A-sidepsdaqhva01wmanual 188SPDDCST1Temperature project for the SPDcadcs02wmanual 189PSDCST1ELMB VFE Temperature probescadcs02wauto 190ECDAQC1ECAL DAQ Domain C-sideecdaqhvc01wauto 191ECDAQA1ECAL DAQ Domain A-sideecdaqhva01wauto 193ECTELL1ECAL TELL1 Projectecdaq01auto 195ECHVC1ECAL DAQ Domain C-sideechvc01wmanual 196ECHVA1ECAL DAQ Domain A-sideechva01wmanual 201HCDAQC1HCAL DAQ Domain C-sidehcdaqhvc01wauto 202HCDAQA2HCAL DAQ Domain A-sidehcdaqhva01wauto 203HCTELL1HCAL TELL1s Projecthcdaq01auto 204CA2Global Calorimeter Control Projectcaecs01auto 205HCHVC1HCAL HV domain C-sidehcdaqhvc01wmanual 206HCHVA1HCAL HV domain A-sidehcdaqhva01wmanual 207CADCSLV Low Voltage Non Rack Maraton power supplies for all CALO sub- detectors cadcs01wauto 208CADCSMVMiddle Voltage Agilent power supplies for all CALO sub-detectorscadcs01wmanual
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc25 How to STOP/START a project From Service+ To start a service or project To stop a service or project Service is running Linux : sudo /sbin/service pvss_mp start (stop) The DIM SERVER The SPECS Server Restarting the SPECS Server Resets the SPECS Master
PC and PVSS project information Control PCs should only be accessed to start and stop services. PVSS project information should only be viewed through shortcuts. Use (or lnk) Found in shortcuts directory. Look… be careful what you touch… Useful in case of power cut ! Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc26
Projects information Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc27 Projects TAB Project list and structure Projects managers with their status Alarms Select project
PCs information Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc28 Hosts TAB PC list Select PC Projects currently turning Just don’t mess with this
How to look into a project ALWAYS USE A GLOBAL SHORTCUT –To be run from a machine with PVSS Use USER INTERFACES - UIW, ui –In G:\calo\CALOPVSSProjectsShortcuts (W).lnk files –In /group/calo/CALOPVSSProjectsShortcuts (L).sh files Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc29 HERE Linux Windows
What are these shortcuts Console –WebBased project Status DEN –Device Editor Navigator FSM –Just the FSM tree ALARMSCREEN –Alarm Screen LOG Viewer –View the PVSS LOG ANY OTHER –Leave to the Expert Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc30 Click to get the owners Left button click to get the panel FSM
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc31 The DEN – Device Editor and Navigator This TAB Flying Spaghetti Monster
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc32 More DEN Click here Right Mouse Button To RESTART FSM : If they are DEAD Or States do not propagate In NAVIGATOR MODE Has to be ECS01 To STOP FMS
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc33 Global Control Panel In use mouse on tells you the owner System State
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc34 How to take Control Click on the lock Take
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc35 Successful Sequence From top Project NOT ALLOCATED NOT READY READY ACTIVE RUNNING ALLOCATE CONFIGURE START_RUN GO statesactions
Calo Piquet Training Session - Xvc36 The twiki Contains the relevant part of this info Check the WIKI to follow future UPDATES