Land Tax Department’s IS by Lorriston Howell Land Tax Department
Land Tax Department :- main functions The valuation of all real property in Barbados on a triennial basis. The preparation of a Valuation Roll and a Land Tax Roll. The collection of Property Tax. The Valuation of properties under the Land Development Act and the collection of Land Development Duty. Other functions include the assessment of property for the Government for the following purposes:- Property Transfer Tax. Compulsory Purchase Cases. Negotiated Sale or purchase of property. Valuations may also be done for private persons on request for a fee.
Land Tax IS - Background From the ground, up Island is mapped by 97 sheets Each property has a unique Map Reference Number.
Land Tax IS - Background Each sheet is divided into 16 equal grids.
Land Tax IS - Background Enclosures are defined within each grid according to physical boundaries, e.g. road, plantation boundaries, fences. Any number of enclosures. Depends on density of individual holdings (parcels) in area.
Land Tax IS - Background Enclosure consists of Parcels Map reference number consists of SheetNo.GridNo.Enclos ureNo.ParcelNo/CheckD igit Check digit 0 – 9, X (generated by an algorithm to provide data entry validation) Example of complete Map Reference Number /9 :- Queens Park
Aerial view of Queens Park
Land Tax IS With every transfer of ownership of land, there is a legal requirement to notify the Department of the transfer via a Notice of Change of Ownership form. Supplied by the Attorney- at-Law for the vendor Map Reference Number Name & Address of Vendor Name & Address of Purchaser Date of Agreement, Date of Conveyance. Description of property i.e. Lot no, Street, District, Parish, size in sq metres, Sale Price, Is a building included in sale?, Interest being transferred (Fee Simple, Tenants in Common, Joint Tenancy, Lease), Consideration other than money, is Purchaser a company?
Land Tax IS Sale information is analysed by Valuer. Is it an “arm’s length” sale? What is the relationship between the Vendor and Purchaser? The Consideration! Determine market values, value of similar properties in similar locations. One swallow does not make a summer. Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics Greek critic, philosopher, physicist, & zoologist (384 BC BC)Aristotle Tax Roll is updated by Valuer to reflect new ownership. Map Reference Number Name & Address of Vendor Name & Address of Purchaser Date of Agreement, Date of Conveyance. Description of property i.e. Lot no, Street, District, Parish, size in sq metres, Sale Price, Is a building included in sale?, Interest being transferred (Fee Simple, Tenants in Common, Joint Tenancy, Lease), Consideration other than money, is Purchaser a company?
Land Tax IS Tax payable is generated by Billing Module and stored in database. Cashiers use Transaction Processing System to accept payments and issue receipts to customers. Property is identified by Map Reference number. Tax records are updated to reflect payments. MIS reports on revenue collected and outstanding.
Land Tax IS The Commissioner of Land Tax may offer for sale by public auction any lands in respect where taxes are due. This option is only employed as a last resort and where the department has exhausted every avenue to ensure that the tax liability is fulfilled.
Land Tax IS Management requests a list of all properties owing in excess of $3,000 for example. Excel queries database via ODBC connection Information is delivered in an Excel spreadsheet.
Land Tax IS Executive Information System – Identify the revenue that will be lost/gained in relation to previous years, if rates were to be changed. How many pensioners will be affected? How many villas? What if - Tax amnesty? Determine a rate which will be revenue neutral.
Land Tax IS Questions