Slide 1 Analysing diffusion of nanotechnology as a research field in Turkey: a social network analysis approach Hamid Derviş
Slide 2 Outline Nanotechnology Social network analysis Diffusion of innovation Nanotechnology in Turkey Barriers in nanotechnology in Turkey
Slide 3 Nanoscience/nanotechnology Nanoscience is a science concerning of materials in an atomic or molecule level One nanometer is one billionth of the meter Nanotechnology is an umbrella term for wide range of technologies Used in medical, Electronic, Material, Environmental sciences
Slide 4 Nano-related publication
Slide 5 Why nanotechnology is important Defined by United Nations as an important scientific breakthrough Positive impact on developed and poor countries –For example Water purification in poor countries Develop molecular circuit boards Develop techniques in nanosurgery
Slide 6 Nanotechnology in Turkey Searched Web Of science for `nano` related topics –first article in articles in year 2009 – 250 articles in year 2010 Over 4500 citation Diffusion of nanotechnology –Research centers Universities –Nanotam Governments Industries –Governmental agencies TUBITAK SPO(DPT)
Slide 7 Social network analysis The SNA theory is based on graph theory and contains of nodes (e.g., people, organization, countries) and ties (relationships) connecting them Sociometry was coined by Moreno(1943) It is a quantitative method for measuring social relationships in the network structure Actors Relational ties
Slide 8 SNA Continues What is social network analysis (SNA)? How can it be used to show the relationships between People, Organizations, Businesses … It’s not what you know, it’s who you know Provides a visual and mathematical analysis of how people interact, exchange information, learn and influence one another
Slide 9 The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Malcolm Gladwell 2000 How does a new fashion spread, how does an unknown musician burst into the mainstream? Connectors, mavens (information specialists), salespeople How does nanotechnology spread in Turkey
Slide 10 Six Degree Seperation Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth. grees_of_separation
Slide 11 Diffusion of innovation Diffusion of Innovation is a theory of how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures (Roger, 2003)
Slide 12 Methods and Tools Sociometric methods measure –Associations –Disassociations Research data consist of –Scientific community (Population) –Sample is nanotechnology oriented scientists Data is gathered –Web of science »bibliographic format –Survey equations –PubMed Tools such as –Pajek Betweenness (cohesive) Closeness (short path) Degree (connectness) –CiteSpace –UCINET Network visualization Cluster analysis
Slide 13 Bibliometic-Sociometric methods Bibliometrics is defined as “the application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication" Pritchard, 1969). Crane argued that social structure of group of scientists who work on research activity is instrumental for diffusion of knowledge.(1972)
Slide 14 Closer Look
Slide 15 Degree == Betweeness=
Slide 16 The problem It is difficult measuring the diffusion process only using conventional methods Bibliometric researchers Scientometricians SNA techniques complement the conventional methods –Policy makers –Information scientists What are the key areas of nanotechnology in Turkey? Health (pharmaceuticals, medical devices), high technical industry, etc.? How decision/policy makers set policy in Turkey? Is there a correlation between diffusion of nanotechnology and actors in the social network structure?
Slide 17 Duda et el. (2010). Barrier on nano Strong theoretical focus in university research The significance of theoretical research for the promotion of university professors Lack of interface between the university and industry Lack of a supportive culture for academician-entrepreneurs Lack of skilled labor Prejudice on university researchers from the practitioners Lack of venture capital Lack of funding agencies for projects that require large funds Lack of incubation centers Weak patent and copyright laws Lack of trust in Turkish produced goods Competition from cheap imports Lack of fully-operational industry clusters Disconnection between the industrial and the underdeveloped part of the country
Slide 18 Thanks Hamid Derviş