To look at a list of available templates, click Publications for Print from the task pane. To open a blank page, click Blank Print Publications To open an existing publication, click More. FIRST From your desktop open the Office dialog box and launch Publisher.
Listed in the task pane are the available design templates. The samples of each design template are listed on the right. To launch one, it is a single-click so do not click on one unless you wish to view it. Use the vertical scrollbar to view the different samples
When you click on a sample it will load the sample and put the Personal Information dialog box on screen. You can cancel this and replace them manually on the document or you can fill out the info here. Personally, I cancel it and fill out what I need to fill out once the document is on screen. You can also cut out the text boxes on the screen if you do not want to use them.
Once you have a sample on screen, you just click in the appropriate text box and replace the text that is there. Text boxes can be resized and moved to different locations if you wish to rearrange the items. You can delete the photos and replace them with photos of your own. To delete a photo, click on it and hit the Delete button. If you choose a design and then decide to change your mind, click Publication Designs and click on a different sample. It will take the place of the sample on screen The number of pages in the publication is indicated by the number at the bottom of the screen Once you have a sample you can change the color scheme by choosing Color Scheme from the task pane.
To insert a piece of Clip art or a digital photo, click the blue mountainscape with the red sun over it. That is the Picture Frame icon. When you click on it, a menu will appear giving you four choices of image types. When you click Picture from File for a digital photo, move your mouse onto the publication and you will see the crosshairs icon. You need to draw a frame to insert a photo.
Move the mouse to a location on the publication. Start in the upper left corner of the frame, click an hold down the left mouse button and draw a frame. It does not have to be accurate because you can move or resize the image once you drop it on screen. When you let go of the mouse button, the Insert Picture dialog box appears. Choose the location of the image and insert the image onto the publication.
The Object toolbar is located on the left side of the screen in the taskpane. It allows you to add a variety of objects to your publication. Most are self explanatory. They are the same objects that you can insert into Word documents and PowerPoint slides. The Table allows you to add a table of any number of rows and columns to the publication. The Design Gallery gives you the library of objects that you see embedded into the different publication designs you see when you look at the samples. Text box. Table Word Art Picture Frame Lines Arrows Ovals Rectangles Autoshapes Design Gallery
In this example, I chose Blank Publication for Print. I then chose the Design Gallery icon from the Object toolbar and chose the first masthead sample and inserted it onto the page. Once it is inserted it can be resized and moved. You can also click inside it and change the text to anything you want.
The Design gallery allows you to add many objects to a publication. The categories are listed on the left. When you click a specific category you can see the samples of the objects on the right side of the dialog box.