Let’s Talk About Great Valley School District 2011
Let’s Define it
What is Bullying?
Social Power Physical Power Intellectual Power Financial Power Cultural or Racial Power Verbal Power Gender Power What are the different types of power?
Physical Verbal/Written Language Emotional/ Social Cyberbullying
What can Bullying look like?
What can bullying look like?
What can Bullying look like?
School districts must develop and implement research based violence prevention programs, which include, but are not limited to bullying. GVSD adopted two policies: policy 248, Unlawful Harassment and Policy 249, Bullying/Cyberbullying GVSD identified the Implementation of the Olweus Program as a district goal in the strategic plan beginning with the 08/09 School Year
Implement OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program: A systemic and research based program designed to improve the culture of schools to ensure that ALL students feel safe and have an equal opportunity to succeed.
It is important to create an environment, characterized by warmth, positive interest, and involvement with adults. It is important to have clear and firm limits around unacceptable behavior. When limits and rules are violated, it is important that interventions and consequences be consistently applied.
Posting of school and community expectations. Opportunities for students to learn how to intervene when they see someone being harassed. Support for the students who are the targets of harassment. Intervention for the students who harass others. A system of identification, documentation,and tracking of bullying incidents.
3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th grade anonymous survey: Provides information regarding the type, frequency, and extent of the problem. Identifies the problems that need to be addressed in our schools. Interventions: School Level Classroom Level Individual Level
A collective commitment by the administrators, faculty, staff, parents, and students to the responsibility of implementation. The development of attitudes and norms that decrease the extent of the problem. Supervision in high density/unstructured areas and times. Class meetings Honoring positive and healthy behaviors through reinforcement and school wide programs like; pillars of character. Consistent follow through with interventions and consequences.
Cultivate positive and safe learning environment. Posting of the school and community expectations. Teacher led regular class meetings. Taking advantage of “teachable moments”. “On the spot” interventions to bullying.
Provide interventions and support to the target and bully in manner that respects the privacy and dignity of all students. Educate and affirm the bystander. Parent contact as indicated.
A substantial reduction in students’ reports of bullying. Improvement in the climate of the school. We believe that if GVSD continues on its current path, we too, will see these same results in our District.