Bread of Life Prison, Prayer & Healing Ministry Ministers of the Gospel Brother Larry & Sister Doris Sample
Overview Dedicated to the evangelism of the world; to inform the lost, the sick and the hurting that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He loves them and desires to have them with Him for all eternity in Heaven; Dedicated to the evangelism of the world; to inform the lost, the sick and the hurting that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He loves them and desires to have them with Him for all eternity in Heaven; To demonstrate God’s power and miraculous healing ability… To demonstrate God’s power and miraculous healing ability…
God is merciful You are saved by grace and mercy…not by your own goodness; You are saved by grace and mercy…not by your own goodness; No one (mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, spouse, etc, not even your best friend) can “give” you salvation, you have to receive it as a gift from Jesus; No one (mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, spouse, etc, not even your best friend) can “give” you salvation, you have to receive it as a gift from Jesus; If you don’t know Him as Lord and Savior you will get the opportunity in a minute…. If you don’t know Him as Lord and Savior you will get the opportunity in a minute….
God loves You! He died upon a cross so that you might have eternal life; He died upon a cross so that you might have eternal life; He was buried in a borrowed tomb and 3 days later rose again; He was buried in a borrowed tomb and 3 days later rose again; Never forget…He died in YOUR place! Never forget…He died in YOUR place!
Prayer of Repentance Be sure that when you die you are going to Heaven…just say this prayer: Lord Jesus, I confess my sins that I have committed against you in thought, word and deed. I have not loved you with all my heart, I am truly sorry and I humbly repent. Forgive me of all that’s passed, blot out my sins in the blood of the Lamb, never more to be remembered that I may walk spotless before you in Jesus’ Name! Come into my life, I receive You now as Lord, and Savior and Master of my life; in Jesus’ Name…Amen!
Contact Us If you desire prayer for a loved one, a friend or for yourself you may contact us at our Or write to: Bread of Life Ministry P O Box 9232 Greenville, Texas Greenville, Texas
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