A NEW ERA OF OPENNESS? Matthew Gamette-Idaho State Police Forensic Services
Who? Virginia North Carolina Indiana Idaho (Arkansas, FBI, others…)
Idaho Story Management Review Improvement Idea Transparency Proud of our manuals Leadership Breath Alcohol (already posting manuals and other…) Requests for manuals from other labs trying for ISO MFRC process mapping for online electronic submission forms and putting lab reports online Burdensome discovery and PRR Requests for same items
Initial Analyst Response Fear of unknown: court (my testimony be harder) defense (they will compare the manuals) public (will there be more scrutiny) Skeptical of time savings and implementation
Idaho Implementation Website redesign (CPM project) IT help No internal/external website capability Access to post to the external website Securing documents Revision dates Day 1—this date forward for archives All disciplines AMs, quality/operation manuals, breath alcohol instrument calibration, officer training certificates, training manuals, accreditation
Expect the Unexpected Day 2 visit with ISP command staff Defense community scrutiny of documents Calls from customers Watermark issue Mixed response from prosecutors Time it takes to edit/secure/post the information
Positives… Transparency PRR certification example Public defender project averted Analyst time savings on discovery requests Virtually eliminated public record requests More educated questions in court Less cat and mouse for documents Customer traffic to our website
Challenges New idea to the courts watermark, electronic notary, electronic records Motions to dismiss based on AM changes
What’s next… Online submission of evidence Better online reporting and agency notification COMPLETE CASE ELECTRONIC DISCOVERY FORESIGHT accountability numbers
Virginia Started in an effort for transparency General fear and trepidation--sky did not fall Good feedback from customers No repercussions Other forensic scientists use them for accreditation No problems with court Scientists feared being more challenged in court Training manuals online as well—but not getting many questions Openness has been positive Customers understand what methods they can and cannot perform from the website
Virginia Some labs borrowing heavily and just replacing the header Still finding a significant amount of discovery for documents Keeping them up to date is key—not automated Web posting is checklist item for document revision Web hosted by another state agency
North Carolina Response to the issues they had a few years ago To aid with defense and lots of records requests The most current controlled copy on the intranet— QM updates the external based on availability
North Carolina Forensic Science advisory board goes online to look at documents Encourage the public to access the documents and the lab responds to the public feedback (unintended benefit) Favorable impression from the public (local people) and people from other agencies and defense attorneys (openness)
North Carolina Difficult to update them on the website (Qualtrax will help with that—RFP out at this time) QM gets calls from public saying they cannot download the document so they have to fix things on the web (forgot to link or incorrect link) Have to address all the public comments No change for the analysts testimony Don’t think the attorneys are using them any more No more discovery games
North Carolina Everything is heavily reviewed by internal lawyers Agency lawyers set the format and protocol Amazed at how open the lab system is Discovery is not an issue Lab has nothing to hide Proud of their documents It allows them to examine the document and get some feedback on better ways to do things Audit reports also go online and attorney’s review, but external audits get posted as written
Indiana Driven by discovery, transparency, and customer service Have been uploading for several years Based for law enforcement and the courts Customers appreciated the submission forms and physical evidence documents online
Indiana Fewer defense requests for discovery Very positive customer feedback Generic manuals online but will not be putting audit reports or corrective actions online Time savings for analysts and management
Indiana Automatic hyperlinked and updated—no additional work to keep the documents current
Take Home… More positives than negatives Fears mostly don’t materialize Viewed as transparent and customer driven Beware of the technical challenges Efficiency tool As labs share ideas openly, we all get better!