JS 111 Human DNA Quantification using qPCR 1. Quiz 2. In class crime scene exercise 3. Review take home Assignments 4. Overview of qPCR DNA and Crime 03/14/11
Group Activity 3 A rape/homicide/arson crime occurred on in Richmond CA, where the suspect raped, killed and then tried to burn his victim in a 77 Ford Mustang. The victim is nearly completely burned as is their car, and the suspect is in custody and has his Chevy Impala car impounded. In his vehicle you find a gas can and on his arms are what look like scratches. As the forensic DNA criminalist expert you are asked to go to the crime scene to collect evidence. What biological samples will you collect? What types of controls and references? What other types of evidence will you collect? You amplified your samples from the suspects car and find that the PCR gave only low results (barely above threshold) What could have happened? How might you improve the results?
Take Home Assignments DUE Study for Quiz 3 Read Butler (2005) Chapters 12, 13, 14 and 15 for (Butler , 9 and 10) Read the Scientific American Article by Moxon and Wills to be posted on my website for Moxon et al Sci Amer. 280: 94 Visit Web Link- Read STR Interpretation document from dna.gov for (to be posted on my website)
Acknowledgments Vallone, P AAFS Workshop 0Workshop%20Feb%2018% pdf 0Workshop%20Feb%2018% pdf Butler, J AAFS Workshop Orrego, C et al NFSTC workshop Decker et al. Poster
Why Quantify DNA?
Taqman is PCR in the presence of a human DNA light switch
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