Living the Supernatural Life Part Six: The Gospel of the Kingdom.


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Presentation transcript:

Living the Supernatural Life Part Six: The Gospel of the Kingdom

Living the Supernatural Life 1.Every N___________ you respond to is an O____________ for God to work supernaturally through you. 2.The gospel is about the K______________ (reign) of God come to E__________. 3.We have been put here to bring the W_________ of God on earth as it is in H___________. 4.As long as my F____________ upon God’s will is about M__________, then I will rarely get to the place where I can know it.

Living the Supernatural Life 1.Every NEED you respond to is an OPPORTUNITY for God to work supernaturally through you. 2.The gospel is about the K______________ (reign) of God come to E__________. 3.We have been put here to bring the W_________ of God on earth as it is in H___________. 4.As long as my F____________ upon God’s will is about M__________, then I will rarely get to the place where I can know it.

Living the Supernatural Life 1.Every NEED you respond to is an OPPORTUNITY for God to work supernaturally through you. 2.The gospel is about the KINGDOM (reign) of God come to EARTH. 3.We have been put here to bring the W_________ of God on earth as it is in H___________. 4.As long as my F____________ upon God’s will is about M__________, then I will rarely get to the place where I can know it.

Living the Supernatural Life 1.Every NEED you respond to is an OPPORTUNITY for God to work supernaturally through you. 2.The gospel is about the KINGDOM (reign) of God come to EARTH. 3.We have been put here to bring the WILL of God on earth as it is in HEAVEN. 4.As long as my F____________ upon God’s will is about M__________, then I will rarely get to the place where I can know it.

Living the Supernatural Life 1.Every NEED you respond to is an OPPORTUNITY for God to work supernaturally through you. 2.The gospel is about the KINGDOM (reign) of God come to EARTH. 3.We have been put here to bring the WILL of God on earth as it is in HEAVEN. 4.As long as my FOCUS upon God’s will is about ME then I will rarely get to the place where I can know it.

Living the Supernatural Life 5.God desires for the reality of Heaven to invade this sin torn world to bring it under His RULE. 6.We must stop being people who only believe the R__________ things about God. We must also be those who put the will of God on D____________ for all to see! 7.God commissioned you so that you can D_____________ the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Genesis 32:1-2 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth and it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10

Genesis 32:1-2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may PROVE what is that good and acceptable will of God.” Romans 12:2

Living the Supernatural Life 5.God desires for the reality of Heaven to invade this sin torn world to bring it under His RULE. 6.We must stop being people who only believe the RIGHT things about God. We must also be those who put the will of God on DISPLAY for all to see! 7.God commissioned you so that you can D_____________ the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Living the Supernatural Life 5.God desires for the reality of Heaven to invade this sin torn world to bring it under His RULE. 6.We must stop being people who only believe the RIGHT things about God. We must also be those who put the will of God on DISPLAY for all to see! 7.God commissioned you so that you can DEMONSTRATE the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Genesis 32:1-2 “Unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.” John 3:3

Genesis 32:1-2 “…my preaching was not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” 1 Cor 2:4-5

Your Kingdom Come…through me (a declarative prayer) My Father in Heaven… Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. I will bear Your Light to change the world. I am the light of the world because the Light of the world dwells in me.

No one will meet me and not be changed because no one can meet You and not be changed. I will become increasingly aware of the Light I carry. I will grow in You and grow in this Light. I will become a change agent in this world.

I will become what You have called me to become. I have been placed here for such a time as this. I live where I live because You placed me here.

I not here by accident, I am here by Divine appointment. My neighbors will be blessed because of You in me. My employer will be blessed because of You in me. Those I touch will be blessed because of You in me.

Everyone I pray for will be touched, because of You in me. It makes no difference if others recognize the touch or not – You will touch them. Thank You for finding me and choosing me to be a change agent on this earth for Your glory! Your Kingdom Come on earth as it is in Heaven…In Jesus Name, amen.

Living the Supernatural Life Part Six: The Gospel of the Kingdom