ERA-LEARN Supporting the ERA-NET Learning Platform by creating a toolbox for the ERA-NET community Roland Brandenburg, FFG
ERA-LEARN Objectives Facilitate mutual learning & improvement among ERA-NETs ! Major challenges: - analysis of practical issues involved in executing coordinated calls - strategic decisions on participations in ERA-NETs or their follow-up provide benefit for the whole ERA-NET community ! your ERA-NET other ERA-NET
Management & Communication …involve the whole ERA-NET community in the process ! A series of feedback loops will be implemented: achieve the best quality achieve wide acceptance of efforts and results from a collective effort ! Guidelines and toolboxes will be flexible and non-mandatory !
ERA-LEARN Workflow EC TAFTIE task force ERA-NET ERA-NET community FFG, EI, RCN, DLR
ERA-LEARN Work plan
ERA-LEARN Timing Toolbox Call Implementation Selection criteria & funding of projects Strategy for ERA-NET participation Smart Coordination Dissemination & Exploitation
identify well working approaches to run efficient joint calls; take into account the variety of ERA-NETs and programmes deliver a set of guidelines and tools to help each ERA-NET optional, not mandatory use allowing flexibility WP 1: Toolbox Call implementation OBJECTIVESACTIONS Deliverables: Call calendar Manual for call planning Toolbox for promoting a call Recommended submission systems Guidelines for monitoring projects Guidelines for impact analysis Questionnaires to all ERA NET coordinators (FP6 & FP7) intense assessments within ERA LEARN consortium Collaboration with NETWATCH –how to display
WP 1: Deliverables Month 10: D1.1 Call calendar D1.2 Manual for call implementation incl. checklist for call planningchecklist for call planning D1.3 Toolbox for promoting a call D1.4 Recommended submission systems D1.5 Guidelines for monitoring projects Month 14: D1.6 Guidelines for impact analysis
WP 2: Evaluation and selection criteria for funding of projects in joint calls Graphical display of workflow with optional paths: Differentiate: type of ERA-NET Differentiate: 1-stage / 2-stage Differentiate: purely national evaluation / combination of internal and external evaluation Differentiate: funding modes; evaluation procedures depend on chosen funding mode Deliverables Set of recommendations for evaluation procedures Analysis of funding modes OBJECTIVESACTIONS Develop guidelines for the selection & funding of RTD projects: harmonised selection criteria, evaluation protocols and minimum evaluation standards practical operation of different funding modes
WP 2: Deliverables Month 14: D2.1 Set of recommendations for evaluation procedures D2.2 Analysis of funding modes
Planned design for online version: approach through full checklist 1- Planning phase Definition of call process: Timing of the call: Scope of the call: Legal Framework: 2- Preparation phase Call documents: Promotion of the call: 3- Submission & evaluation phase Submission of proposals: Evaluation of proposals: 4- Funding phase: Analysis of funding modes: 5- After the call: Monitoring: Impact assessment: 5: -… 1: -… 2: -… 3: -… 4: -… Guidelines Examples Templates
How to get involved ? your ERA-NET other ERA-NET
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