Joint Action Plan 2009 for Cooperation beyond SEE-ERA.NET by Dr. Ulrike Kunze International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries October 29, 2009 Zagreb, Croatia
2 Joint Action Plan 2007 To remember… Joint Action Plan accompanied the White Paper on overlaps, gaps and opportunities in view of the extension of bilateral RTD programmes and initiatives towards multilateral approaches White Paper and Joint Action Plan were finalised as a deliverable of SEE-ERA.NET in August 2007 and have been promoted extensively While the White Paper is designed as a policy paper, the Joint Action Plan has to be understood as a working paper reflecting the current situation and proposing respective actual measures
3 Joint Action Plan 2009: update from 2007 Joint Action Plan 2009 has two pillars A. Stocktaking of implementation: Which of the proposed actions of the Joint Action Plan 2007 have already been implemented or at least just started? B. Drafting a new Joint Action Plan: Which actions remain to be taken?
4 Joint Action Plan 2009: Stocktaking 2.1 Regional Programme for Cooperation with South-East Europe 2.2 Initiatives towards Infrastructure Development 2.3 Initiatives towards Institution Building ex.: Ministerial Conference on the development of a Regional Research Strategy for the Western Balkans, organised by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) in Sarajevo on Initiatives towards Human Potential Development ex.: Directive 2005/71/EC Admission for purposes of scientific research transposed in national law in 17 Member States. Additionally, on 15 July 2009, the EC adopted a proposal for granting visa-free travel to the citizens of the FYRofMacedonia, Montenegro and Serbia
5 Joint Action Plan 2009: Stocktaking 2.5 Dissemination of Information ex.: WBC-INCO.NET started in January 2008, took over and continued the work of the Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries with its website, newsletter, and further links to information channels, platforms and conferences
6 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3. Joint Action Plan 2009: Update and amendments 3.1 Initiatives for Collaborative Research Projects SEE-ERA.NET PLUS: Call for Joint European Research Projects launched on September 1, 2009, open until November 3, 2009 Who: SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Creation of Regional Technology Platforms (equivalents to European Technology Platforms/ETP), e.g. in the agriculture and food area, in order to define a common regional research agenda based on national priorities Who: WBC with support from institutions from EU MS
7 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.2. Initiatives towards Innovation Initiatives towards Innovation are currently under discussion in the context of a possible extension and enlargement of the WBC-INCO-NET Who: WBC-INCO.NET Implementing a trans-national programme on innovation in SEE Who: Future ERA.NET
8 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.3 Initiatives towards Infrastructure Development Inventory of medium and large-scale research infrastructure facilities in EU Member States and the WBC, allowing for access by researchers from WBC and EU MS; draft by MHEST and MPIN in May 2009, final version currently under preparation Who: WBC-INCO.NET To update the ESFRI report Research infrastructures in the new Member States in the context of the European Research Area; include a chapter with specific infrastructures of pan-European interest in the WBC Who: Western Balkan countries
9 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.3 Initiatives towards Infrastructure Development (cont) To develop a regional research infrastructure roadmap for the Western Balkan region in order to identify medium- and large-scale research infrastructures of regional and European interest Who: WBC supported by the Steering Platform To develop e-Strategies by setting targets for the development of e-Services in order to overcome the digital divide Who: WBC supported by the Steering Platform, RCC, etc.
Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.3 Initiatives towards Infrastructure Development (cont) Support of the development of electronic networks among research institutes and universities in the WBC, as part of an e-Strategy Who: All WBC and Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe (DANTE)
11 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.4 Initiatives towards Institution Building Expansion and improvement of the Western Balkan network of National Contact Points (NCP) for FP7 through specific support, twinning and networking measures Who: WBC supported by the SP, WBC-INCO.NET Exchange of experience and assistance with regard to the implementation of systematic evaluation and benchmarking of Western Balkan R&D institutions and programmes, building on the outcome of SEE-ERA.NETs International Conference on Evaluation and Benchmarking in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia on 8 and 9 October Who: WBC with support from the EU MS
12 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.4 Initiatives towards Institution Building (cont.) Creation of a sustainable relationship between the producers of knowledge and technology (e.g. universities, research institutions, clinical centres, etc.) and users of RTD results from the private sector (SMEs, industry), facilitated by the establishment of Innovation Relay Centers (IRCs) or corresponding innovation structures in the WBC Who: WBC with support from the EU MS, possibly funded within the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and 7th EU FP on RTD
13 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.4 Initiatives towards Institution Building (cont.) Establishing a roadmap for the development of a Regional Strategy on R&D as agreed on at the Ministerial Conference on the development of a Regional Research Strategy for the Western Balkans, which was organised by the RCC on April 24, 2009 and the follow-up meeting to the Conference on September 7 (both Sarajevo) Who: WBC with support from RCC Participation of WBC representatives in decision-making bodies, working groups, etc. of European initiatives, programmes, etc. Who: WBC
14 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.5 Initiatives towards Human Potential Development Setting-up a specific mobility programme for the WBC fostering the individual mobility of young scientists from home institutions in WBC (outward) or to host institutions in WBC (inward) Who: WBC with support by institutions from EU MS Offering Science Management Training through internships for science administrators from the WBC who work in the national administration or in the management of S&T institutions Who: EU MS, WBC-INCO.NET
15 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.5 Initiatives towards Human Potential Development (cont.) Setting up a Diaspora Task Force as a mainly virtual working group to develop scenarios on how to re-attract expatriated Western Balkan scientists (specific Web portal) Who: WBC with support by institutions from EU MS Supporting the development of national mobility centres networks in the WBC and their integration in EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion (European network of mobility centres) Who: WBC
16 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.5 Initiatives towards Human Potential Development (cont.) Constant updating of the SEE-ERA.NET/WBC- INCO.NET Scholarship database and establishing links to the EURAXESS web portal. Who: King Baudouin Foundation Contact trips for young researchers consisting of a) grants to attend conferences (contribution/presentation or paper necessary), summer schools for PhD candidates, workshops, etc. b) in connection with the attendance of the conference visit of the resp. partner institute, where the conference takes place in order to establish scientific contacts Who: WBC with EU MS
17 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.5 Initiatives towards Human Potential Development (cont.) Information events and training sessions to raise awareness in the region on mobility programmes, to overcome the lack of institutional structures dealing with mobility and the obstacles in national legal systems when it comes to employing researchers from abroad. Who: WBC with EU MS
18 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.6 Dissemination of Information Supporting the information activities through the WBC- INCO.NET website, information newsletters (journal, e- mail-newsletter), brochures etc. Who: MS and WBC, WBC-INCO.NET Fostering Information exchange with EC Directorates General (Research and other than DG Research), and with other multilateral initiatives and institutions, e.g. international stakeholders such as RCC, OECD, CEI etc. Who: WBC-INCO.NET, WBC
19 Joint Action Plan 2009: Amendments and Update 3.6 Dissemination of Information (cont.) Raising awareness on S&T in the Western Balkan countries by becoming part of the ERAWATCH Network. Who: WBC 3.7 Expansion of the Collaboration towards Initiatives in other regions such as the Mediterranean Region and the Black Sea Region
20 Joint Action Plan 2009 Joint Action Plan 2009 was submitted to the EC as SEE-ERA.NET deliverable D5.5 in August 2009 Available at Contact: Ralf Hanatschek International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the Project Management Agency c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR) Tel: Fax: