PG Intraventricular Meningioma Alexander Taghva, MD Parham Yashar, MD Steven Giannotta, MD
HPI 20yo M with chronic headaches, dizziness, neck pain, and Lhermitte’s sign Referred to Neurosurgery clinic for evaluation after outside imaging revealed the lesion
HPI Pmhx: none Pshs: none Meds: occasional Tylenol NKDA FH: non-contributory SH: non EtOH, non-tob, college student
Pre-Op MRI
Surgical Plan R tempo-parietal craniotomy Trans-posterior superior temporal gyrus Plan for resection of tumor in its entirety
Post-Op Imaging
Post-Op Course Post-operative course remained unremarkable The patient made a full and complete recovery, staying neurologically intact and at his baseline at last, 2-month, follow-up