Northeast Campus Important information for GRADUATION.. It starts NOW GOAL: Recognize and attain performance levels necessary to reach educational and career goals. Understanding Georgia’s Graduation Requirements Objective: Become familiar with the graduation requirements for Georgia
What the requirements ARE to graduate from high school for incoming 9 th grade students
Pass all required coursework 26 Credits (units) minimum – find the checklist on our website under GUIDANCE –four year plan worksheet. Pass the Georgia High School Writing Test EOCT and SLO Counts (20% of the course grade) in: English Math Social Studies Science Elective Classes
4 units of English 4 units of Math 4 units of Science *the 4 th science may be used to meet both the required science and required elective in CTAE sequence of courses 4 units of Social Studies at TCHS The state of GA requires 3 units of Social Studies * TCHS requires 4 units of Social Studies .5 Health/.5 Personal Fitness 3 units from CTAE, Fine Arts, or Foreign Language (A minimum of 2 units of the same foreign language are required for college admission.) 4 units of electives
You must earn 6 units of Credits. You have the opportunity to earn 8 units of Credit each year. If you only earn 6 units, you are getting behind. You must have the following to graduate from TCHS: 4 Credits ELA 4 Credits Math 4 Credits Science 4 Credits Social Studies 1 Personal/Fitness & Health credit 1 Computer Proficiency Credit- (Introduction to Business and Technology) 3 CTAE, Foreign Language, or Fine Art Credits 5 Required additional credits – extra academic or elective courses
You must earn required credits to graduate or move on to the next grade. You are in class from Aug. – Dec. make it count o OR you will find yourself enrolled in the VERY same class, doing the very SAME work from Jan. – May. Don’t waste your time – earn the grade and move on to the next needed course. If you fail an academic course you will lose an elective course the next semester – to make room for you to repeat the course you failed. NEC offers tutoring, help, and encouragement. Just ASK!
Do your best in your classes!!! Participate in clubs, sports, organizations & community work Create a portfolio of all activities/awards - this helps with college applications Begin preparing for the SAT or ACT – On our website under guidance click the EOCT practice tab for all your EOCT’s Visit Develop good study habits/study daily Keep a to-do list and calendar of events/projects
It is highly recommended that students who wish to obtain admission to a “distinguished” 4-year college take Honors and AP level courses in high school. An AP course is the highest level course that a student can take while in high school on the high school campus. AP courses are taught at the college level. ACCEL and Move On When Ready also allow you the opportunity to earn college credit during high school Students in AP courses have the opportunity to take an AP exam at the end of the course, which may allow them to earn college credit. Just because you take an AP course does not mean you get college credit.
Career, Technical, Agricultural Education Courses introduce you to specific areas of interest and are also recommended to help you gain knowledge in specific concentrated areas. These courses can help you decide on a specific career. o This helps you to explore areas you may be interested in instead of finishing high school, going to college for a certain degree, to get the degree and realize you do not like the area. CTAE courses may lead you to a career, a hobby, or give you basic knowledge. For example. Wiring, plumbing, carpentry, horticulture, health care, child care, food and nutrition, and many more.
Visit Students can research : 4-year colleges & 2-year colleges Technical schools Financial Aid & Scholarships Careers Get online with GA College 411 and Career Cruising to match colleges & careers with your interests and needs. Do not discount Technical schools - they offer great degrees and career training – often making comparable salaries with those who graduate from colleges.
BRIDGE BILL DAY happens during the second semester of ninth grade. Parents, students, and teachers meet and make a four year course plan. Grades are available online through infinite campus – Check your grades daily – schedule a tutoring sessions if you need help. Your education/graduation is a GROUP effort – focused on YOU. Take responsibility for your grades – it is your future.
“GPA” stands for “Grade Point Average”, which means that it averages out all of your FINAL grades. How to calculate it: First, take a look at your current or most recent grades. Each letter corresponds to a number of points: A: 4 points B: 3 points C: 2 points D: 1 point F: 0 points Divide points total by the number of core curriculum classes you completed= HOPE GPA! HOPE GPA is an ACADEMIC GPA ( calculating only core curriculum classes – English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Language) Check out HOPE RIGOR requirements on
Grades for first semester: The Grades for First Semester are Calculated at 100% First Semester Grades: Literature 91 Am. Government 88 Art 95 Technology 93 Since the Grades for the 3 rd Nine Weeks Represent ½ of the second semester, they are calculated at 50% when calculating GPA. Grades for 3 rd Nine Weeks: Science 86 (50%) = 43 Math 90 (50%) = 45 Chorus 92 (50%) = 46 Health 96 (50%) = 48 When these grades are added together, the total is 549. This number is then divided by 6 to determine GPA. In this example, the GPA would be 91.5 Grades for first semester: The Grades for First Semester are Calculated at 100% First Semester Grades: Literature 89 Science 91 Personal Fitness 98 (50%) = 49 Health 91 (50%) = 45.5 Band 95 The Grades for the First Semester are calculated at 100% except for the nine weeks classes like Per. Fit/Health which only count 50%. Grades for 3 rd Nine Weeks: American Gov’t 86 (50%) = 43 Math 72 (50%) = 36.5 Band 95 (50%) = 47.5 Spanish 84 (50%) = 42 When these grades are added together, the total is This number is divided by 6 to determine GPA. In this example, the GPA would be (Which does NOT qualify as an Honor’s GPA since GPA’s are NOT rounded up).
In order for your plans to become REALITY you need to set short term and long term goals. o A short term goal is achieved quickly (finish an English paper). Short term goals help you achieve long term goals. o A long term goals will take months and even years. For example: graduate from college, become a pilot, find a job, etc.
To help create a plan of action; to have a vision; help us achieve. Goals are necessary to reach your planned destination. You can get in a car and drive to the Grand Canyon without a map, and possibly, eventually get there. The trip might be fun at first but eventually you will become frustrated, angry, and may even give up reaching your destination.
You can get in the car, with a planned route, you can enjoy the trip, sure there may be bumps in the road (flat tires, not filling up when you reach ¼ of a tank) BUT even with a few surprises along the way you WILL get there in a reasonable amount of time…because you PLANNED.
We don’t just LAND in JOBS we love, we prepare, we set goals, and we WORK to get there – and it all starts NOW There are 3 types of people: Ones that make things happen Those that let it happen And the ones that don’t know WHAT happened Which ONE are YOU going to BE??
Take a moment and think about your goals. Choose short term goals and long term goals. Write them down in your notebook or in your calendar. Read over and think about your goals regularly. Remember… There are 3 types of people: Ones that make things happen Those that let it happen And the ones that don’t know WHAT happened Which ONE are YOU going to BE??