WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January NCP SYSTEM IN CROATIA FP6 from 2006 FP7 from 2007
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January Based on four pillars NCP Core Group Expert Network Info Stop-Shops Dissemination Network
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January NCP Network 8 full employees cover NCP positions for FP, COST and EUREKA 2 of them are responsible only for legal and financial issues 2 new contract based employees are currently in training for NCP positions
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January NCP Network Ms. Lada Benzon, HIT, Social sciences & humanities, Security, Space, Science and Society Ms. Tanja Ivanovic, HIT, Health (some more obligations in near future) Mr. Damir Jelicic, MZOS, Nanosciences, Transposrt, INCO & Research Infrastructure Ms. Suzana Karabaic, HIT, Mobility, Ideas, Region of Knowledge & Research Potentials
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January NCP Network Ms. Jennifer Mary Kursan, HIT, Finances Ms. Gordana Prutki Pecnik, MZOS, Coordinator, ICT, Energy Environment & SMEs Mr. Goran Zekovic, HIT, Legal issues Ms. Lana Zutelija, HIT, Biotecnnology, Agriculture & Fisherie. Also cover the JRC
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January NCP responsibilities Information and dissemination Contact to other NCP networks and EC in Brussels Project database updating Elaboration and analysis Reporting Support for proposal preparation
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January Expert Network Science Managers at Universities and Institutes Contact Persons at each Faculty or Institute Advisory Group Programme Committee Members
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January Info Stop-shops International Cooperation offices at Universities Technology Centres Euro Info Centre at Croatian Chamber of Economy
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January Dissemination Network CARNet Croatian Academic & Research Network Contact Persons in Other Ministries
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January Activities in last 2 years 48 info days 14 tematic workshops
WBC-INCO.NET, Vienna, January Administrative Support Measures Partial reimbursement of project preparation costs Award for Excellence