Slide 1 Welcome 6 th Annual Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education (REE USA) Tom Byers and Tina Seelig, Co-Chairs Stanford University October 22-24, 2003
Slide 2 Special Thanks to 0ur Sponsors …
Slide 3 A Word About Your Hosts … “We believe engineers and scientists need entrepreneurial skills to be successful at all levels within their organizations. Our center is dedicated to accelerating high-technology entrepreneurship education and creating scholarly research on technology-based firms. We prepare students for leadership positions in industry, universities, and society, and we disseminate our research and teaching knowledge throughout the world.”
Slide 4 REE USA Steering Committee Terry Blum, Georgia Tech Jerry Engel, UC Berkeley John Jaquette, Cornell University Steve Nichols, UT Austin Mark Rice, Babson College Kathryn Simon, UC Boulder Ed Zschau, Princeton University
Slide 5 REE Objectives n Create a forum for faculty and senior staff to discuss the strategic and organizational issues of educating engineers and scientists about high-technology entrepreneurship. n Share experiences, best practices, and plans for teaching, research and outreach in a productive and relaxed setting. n Establish and strengthen relationships that often lead to future interaction and opportunities. n Formulate ideas for future gatherings.
Slide 6 REE Europe 2003 September at London Business School 40 people from 27 institutions (16 countries) In partnership with … 2004 Location: Lausanne
Slide 7 REE Asia 2003 Pilot held October 21 at UC Berkeley 15 people from 10 institutions (7 countries) In partnership with … 2004 Location: Singapore
Slide 8 REE Latin America 2003 Pilot to be held on December 10 – 12 Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil In partnership with … 2004 Location: Chile
Slide 9 Growth of REE USA US Intl.+ Service People
Slide 10 REE USA 2003 By the Numbers Institutions 50 US Universities and Colleges 18 International Universities & Supporters 78 Total Attendees (plus Stanford) 18 of Top 20 Engineering Schools (US News) Number of Degrees Granted in 2002 (ASEE) BS: 10 of Top 10 MS: 10 of Top 10 PhD: 10 of Top 10
Slide 11 Who Are We … Show of Hands 1.What geographic area are you from (time zone)? Eastern? Central or Mountain? Pacific? Other? 2.What is your primary role or position? Tenure-line Faculty? Part-time Adjunct? Senior Staff? 3.What is your primary campus affiliation? Science or Engineering School? Business School? Other? 4.What stage of development is your program? New? Emerging? Established? 5.How many of you have attended a REE before?
Slide 12 Agenda: Thursday, October 23 (Morning) 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast 8:30 AM Welcome and Introductions TOM BYERS AND TINA SEELIG, Stanford University 9: :00 AM Great Innovations in Entrepreneurship Education Generating, Collecting, and Capturing Ideas for Entrepreneurship Programs TINA SEELIG, Stanford University 10: :30 AM Break and Poster Session Please right click to download REE slide template Please right click to download REE slide template 10: :30 AM Panel Discussion: Resources for Entrepreneurship Educators (Cases, Curriculum, Video, Conferences, etc) MODERATOR: PHIL WEILERSTEIN, NCIIA KATHERINE EMERY, Stanford University, JOHN BOURNE, Olin College JOHN OCHS, Lehigh University 11: :30 AM Working Sessions A) Life sciences Entrepreneurship The best ways to integrate life science and engineering entrepreneurship education KEN MORSE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology BOB HISRICH, Case Western University B) University Technology Transfer The best way for entrepreneurship programs to work with university technology transfer offices STEVE NICHOLS, University of Texas Austin DAVE BARBE, University of Maryland C) Best Case Scenario An open discussion about which entrepreneurship case studies work best in the classroom MARK RICE, Babson College
Slide 13 Agenda: Thursday, October 23 (Afternoon) 12:30 - 2:00PM Lunch: Topic Tables and Poster Session Internships - DREW ISAACS, U.C. Berkeley Research Topics - KATHY EISENHARDT, Stanford University Sponsor table - MIKE WERNER, Microsoft Sponsor table - PHIL WEILERSTEIN, NCIIA Sponsor table - MIKE HILDRETH, Ernst and Young Sponsor table - MARK HEESEN, NCVA 2:00 PM - 3:00PM Working Sessions D) Curricula and teaching methods Core courses and key teaching methods for entrepreneurship programs KEN PICKAR, CALTECH GARY HANSEN, U.C. Santa Barbara E) International Entrepreneurship Similarities and differences between regional entrepreneurship programs RICHARD DASHER, Stanford University PETER REID, CSE, London F) Cross-University Collaboration A brainstorming session focusing on ways different universities can work together to stimulate entrepreneurship education CYRUS TAYLOR, Case Western Reserve University 3:00 - 3:30 PM Break and Poster Session 3:30 - 4:30 PM Reports from Working Sessions 6:30 - 8:30PM Dinner with Key Note Speaker GORDY DAVIDSON, Fenwick and West Present Annual Innovative Educator Award
Slide 14 Agenda: Friday, October 24 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Sponsor Breakfast An opportunity to meet informally with the REE sponsors: Microsoft, Ernst and Young, NVCA, NCIIA 9: :15 AM Group Session Facilitated Discussion on Assessment of Entrepreneurship Programs ROB CHERNOW, Kauffman Foundation 10: :45 Break 10:45 - Noon Group Session: Facilitated discussion on key takeaways, open issues, and next steps for REE TOM BYERS, Stanford University Noon Adjourn 1:00 - 3:00 Optional tour of both the new Bioengineering Center and the new Wallenberg experimental classrooms
Slide 15 REE USA: In Memory of Gloria Appel Price Institute New York, NY
Slide 16