1 Production and use of S&T&I Statistics and Indicators in Republic of Macedonia State Statistical Office Ministry of Education and Science October 2008,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Production and use of S&T&I Statistics and Indicators in Republic of Macedonia State Statistical Office Ministry of Education and Science October 2008, Belgrade REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE

2 CONTENT Production of S&T&I Statistics and Indicators Production of S&T&I Statistics and Indicators Some Science and Technology Indicators Some Science and Technology Indicators Needs and Obstacles Needs and Obstacles

3 INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED IN R&D POLICY Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Education and Science Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ministry of Economy Ministry of Economy Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Ministry of Ecology Ministry of Ecology 4 States Universities and 4 States Universities and 13 S&T Institutes 13 S&T Institutes R&D unit within industry R&D unit within industry

4 Institutes involved in R&D policy: The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) is the government body responsible for R&D policy in the Republic of Macedonia The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) is the government body responsible for R&D policy in the Republic of Macedonia The MES has the responsibility to organise, finance, develop and promote science, technological development, as well as international co-operation related to these issues. The MES has the responsibility to organise, finance, develop and promote science, technological development, as well as international co-operation related to these issues. In this context MES is the most concern for analysing and monitoring of the indicators for making adequate policy decisions In this context MES is the most concern for analysing and monitoring of the indicators for making adequate policy decisions

5 Legal Framework: Law on Scientific and Research Activity Law on Scientific and Research Activity Law on Encouraging and Supporting the Technological Development Law on Encouraging and Supporting the Technological Development Law on Higher Education Law on Higher Education Law on Industrial and Intellectual Property Protection Law on Industrial and Intellectual Property Protection Law for Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Law for Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Law on State Statistics Law on State Statistics

6 At the moment the analyze of these indicators on R&D is performed in the Ministry The analyze on bibliometrics is made by National Library bibliotheca

7 Production of S&T&I statistics: State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia is responsible body for collecting, processing and dissemination of S&T&I statistics State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia is responsible body for collecting, processing and dissemination of S&T&I statistics Sector for Social statistics-Department for social services (crime and public statistics, social protection, health statistics, education and science) Sector for Social statistics-Department for social services (crime and public statistics, social protection, health statistics, education and science)

8 Two statistical surveys 1. Statistical survey for scientific and research - development activity - annual survey 2. Innovation ( survey for reporting units ) – five- year survey

9 HISTORY The survey for research and development began in 1968 The survey for research and development began in 1968 From 1997 the methodology for conduction of the scientific and research- development activity survey is changed according to the Frascati manual From 1997 the methodology for conduction of the scientific and research- development activity survey is changed according to the Frascati manual

10 Harmonization Classifications are harmonized with international standards: Classifications are harmonized with international standards: ISCED, ISCED, Classification of Scientific Fields-2001, according to UNESCO and OECD methodology and CERIF), Classification of Scientific Fields-2001, according to UNESCO and OECD methodology and CERIF), NACE that provide international comparison of the data NACE that provide international comparison of the data

11 R&D Personnel and Expenditure are processed according to: –Sector of performance –Type of employment –Gender –Age –Part time –Full time

12 –FTE –Professional attainment –Ethnic affiliation –Field of science –ISIC –Personnel and expenditure by region

13 Response rate For 2006, the total received reports were 85.9 %. For 2006, the total received reports were 85.9 %. Response rate is decreasing. Response rate is decreasing. The publication for 2007 is in the phase or preparation and will be ready at the end of October 2008 The publication for 2007 is in the phase or preparation and will be ready at the end of October 2008

14 Users of R&D data Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Education and Science OECD OECD Eurostat Eurostat UNESCO UNESCO Others Others

15 Innovation statistics The research is carried out in 2005 The research is carried out in 2005 Methodological materials are obtained from Eurostat on our request Methodological materials are obtained from Eurostat on our request The results were published in The results were published in The response rate is 64.4% The response rate is 64.4%

16 R&D Intensity (%) of GDP by Sector of Performance Year GERD (Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D) / GDP BERD (Expenditure on R&D in the Business Sector) / GDP GOVERD (Government Intramural Expenditure on R&D) / GDP HERD (Expenditure on R&D in the Higher Education Sector) / GDP

17 GERD as % of GDP (comparison by countries) EU-15EU-25HRMKROTRGERD/GDP

18 Structure of Gross Expenditure on R&D by sectors of performance Year Total Business sector Government sector Higher education

19 R&D Personnel by sector of performance Year Total Business sector Government sector Higher education

20 FTE by sector of performance Year Total Business sector Government sector Higher education

21 FTE/Labor Force Year Total FTE FTE / 1000 Labor Force

22 Obstacles Science and technology are still a low priority in national system Science and technology are still a low priority in national system Our academic and scientific community do not pay enough attention for these indicators although there are several public institutes funded by the state to conduct such analyzes Our academic and scientific community do not pay enough attention for these indicators although there are several public institutes funded by the state to conduct such analyzes Even at the governmental level there is not enough awareness for the importance of these indicators Even at the governmental level there is not enough awareness for the importance of these indicators In general there is a lack of interest for S&T&I Statistics and Indicators. In general there is a lack of interest for S&T&I Statistics and Indicators.

23 Obstacles In the sphere of production of statistics: Statistical office is understaffed in this area, only one person is responsible for the survey Statistical office is understaffed in this area, only one person is responsible for the survey Missing of data for some key institutions, that reflects to the quality of the data (especially in Business Sector and Natural Sciences) Missing of data for some key institutions, that reflects to the quality of the data (especially in Business Sector and Natural Sciences)

24 Needs Increasing the awareness for the importance of S&T&I Indicators, especially at Government level Increasing the awareness for the importance of S&T&I Indicators, especially at Government level More intensive collaboration between the stakeholders (Government, MES, SSO and responding units, especially cooperation with R&D unit in Business sector) More intensive collaboration between the stakeholders (Government, MES, SSO and responding units, especially cooperation with R&D unit in Business sector) Improvement of internal capabilities for production of S&T&I statistics, the quality of the R&D data, increase of coverage of the survey, training of staff – in SSO for analyzing the data and in MES for using of the bibliometrics data Improvement of internal capabilities for production of S&T&I statistics, the quality of the R&D data, increase of coverage of the survey, training of staff – in SSO for analyzing the data and in MES for using of the bibliometrics data

25 Webpages: (Ministry of Education and Science) (State Statistical Office)