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Welcome to Georgia Library Learning Online for Educational Institutions
GALILEO is an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. A World Wide Web-based virtual library, GALILEO provides access to multiple information resources. Participating institutions may access over 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 2000 journal titles are provided in full-text. The community of more than 2000 GALILEO institutions includes the University System of Georgia, K-12 schools, public libraries, the adult technical institutes and colleges, and a group of private academic colleges and universities. At this time, only educational institutions are eligible to participate in GALILEO.
THREE STEPS: Don’t Skip Them!
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Stop using Wikipedia!
This has been a quick preview of some of the resources that the library has to help with your research. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are open 7am- 9:30pm Monday-Thursday.