The White Paper – a policy paper to contribute to the integration process of the WBC in the ERA Dr. Erika Rost, Dr. Andreas Kahle Federal Ministry of Education and Research Ljubljana, June 13, 2008
2 Starting points and milestones Policy framework: EU-Balkan Countries Action Plan adopted at the EU summit in Thessaloniki 2003 to give the WBC an European perspective Steering Platform on Research for the WBC (Vienna 2006) On the road to the EU: Description of the current state of S&T in the Western Balkan countries S&T Cooperation between EU Member States and Western Balkan countries A first and major result was a successful set-up of a Pilot Joint Call in 2007
3 White Paper: The concept White Paper offers strategic recommendations and implementation scenarios for connecting the research communities of the WBC to their counterparts throughout Europe deals with overlaps, gaps and opportunities with regard to the extension of bilateral RTD programmes and initiatives towards multilateral approaches Supplemented by: Joint Action Plan includes concrete implementation scenarios of what can be done basis for the implementation of a regional RTD programme ReP-SEE: proposed by the consortium to provide a unique instrument for an enhanced S&T coop. with the WBCs
4 White Paper: The aims Describing the challenge: Starting points, motivation and goals of an enhanced cooperation with the WBC Major objectives are: Improvement of human capacity building, international mobility, fostering of the innovation potential in the WBC The White Paper indicates of how the WBC can use the full potential of the EU framework programmes on RTD (FP 7), S&T Infrastructure, Institution Building Coherent and coordinated approaches to finally prepare the ground for a full integration of the WBC in the ERA
5 White Paper: The aims (cont.) Getting operational: Joint Action Plan plays a vital role for the implementation procedure Core element of Joint Action Plan: ReP-SEE In summary: Includes the cooperation with other stakeholders and concrete implementation scenarios Next step: Who is going to implement the proposed measures given in the White Paper?
6 Stakeholders Western Balkan countries EU Member States European Commission Joint Research Centre Steering Platform SEE-ERA.NET Other … The list is not closed! Other stakeholders are invited to join!
7 Approaches, expectations, tasks Example: Stakeholder: European Commission Better and more effective use of Community instruments Dialogue and assistance for the Bologna process, exchange programmes, science management training, etc. Giving support of evaluation and benchmarking Consideration of specific interests and needs of the Western Balkan countries from their point of view
8 Approaches, expectations, tasks (cont.) All Stakeholders Stimulate dialogue process Promote interaction and synergies between stakeholders Foster interaction and synergies between WBC Raise visibility of the concerns of the region Message: We would like you to join in order to contribute to the integration process of the WBC in the ERA!
9 Thank you very much for your attention!