Jeopardy Economy Part1 Economy Part 2 3 Branches Misc. Pt. 1 Misc. Pt. 2 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Economy What does it mean to make a profit?
$100 Answer from Economy The amount of money that is left over after the items have been purchased and employees have been paid
$200 Question from Economy Pt.1 What is interest?
$200 Answer from Economy Pt.1 Money that is paid for the use of borrowed or deposited money
$300 Question from Economy Pt.1 What are consumers? Give an example of a consumer.
$300 Answer from Economy Pt.1 A person who buys good and uses services Examples: Purchasing items from a store. Getting your hair cut.
$400 Question from Economy Pt.1 You are selling ice cream. It is a cold and rainy day. It seems like business is slow. What do you do?
$400 Answer from Economy Pt. 1 You should... Lower the cost. Have a special/sale.
$500 Question from Economy Pt. 1 You are selling pizza. Today is Super Bowl Sunday. People keep calling to order pizza but you are running out of supplies to make the pizza. What should you do?
$500 Answer from Economy Pt.1 Raise the price (sell to the highest bidder )
$100 Question from Economy Pt 2 What are savings?
$100 Answer from Economy Pt. 2 Money set aside for a specific reason.
$200 Question from Economy Pt. 2 Why are savings important?
$200 Answer from Economy Pt. 2 Savings are important to keep because it is guaranteed money. Savings help with your future and unplanned expenses.
$300 Question from Economy Pt.2 What is the difference between an investment and a savings?
$300 Answer from Economy Pt. 2 Investment Take a chance to make money or lose money within a company/product. Savings You cannot lose your money. Money set aside.
$400 Question from Economy Pt. 2 Compare and Contrast Goods and Servies.
$400 Answer from Economy Pt. 2 Goods Products that are sold. Services Businesses in which people help others/provide a service for someone else
$500 Question from Economy Pt. 2 Explain how a state raises and spends money to provide goods and services for it’s citizens..
$500 Answer from Economy Pt. 2 - Taxes: state tax, local tax, income tax, sales tax, property tax. - Bond issues: Raising money for schools, roads, parks etc.
$100 Question from 3 Branches The president of the United States is in charge of the _______ branch.
$100 Answer from 3 Branches Executive
$200 Question from 3 Branches Congress or the Legislative Branch is in charge of____________?
$200 Answer from 3 Branches The General Assembly creates Bills that sometimes become laws.
$300 Question from 3 Branches Explain what the Judcial Branch does?
$300 Answer from 3 Branches Made up of courts. Interpret the law. Many different types of courts Circuit courts, state courts, supreme court
$400 Question from 3 Branches A case was heard by the Court of Appeals, but people were not happy with the decision. What Court would this case go to next?
$400 Answer from 3 Branches Supreme Court
$500 Question from 3 Branches Why do we have a system of Checks and Balances?
$500 Answer from 3 Branches To keep the balance between the 3 branches. We do not want one branch to have more power over the other.
$100 Question Misc. Pt. 1 What are the Bill of Rights?
$100 Answer from Misc Pt. 1 The first part of the constitution. It guarantees the rights and freedoms to Missouri Citizens
$200 Question from Misc. Pt. 1 What is an import?
$200 Answer from Misc. Pt. 1 Goods that are brought in from other countries.
$300 Question from Misc. Pt. 1 What are the benefits of exports?
$300 Answer from Misc Pt. 1 Exports are important because we ship things to other countries. They rely on us for the goods, so it helps American’s make money.
$400 Question from Misc. Pt. 1 What are some benefits of the government using a budget?
$400 Answer from Misc. Pt. 1 The government has to plan how to use it’s money so all the money doesn’t get spent in one place. Attempt to distribute equally/importance.
$500 Question from Misc. Pt. 1 Why does the President, Governor, and Mayor have a cabinet of people to support them?
$500 Answer from Misc. Pt. 1 To help with decisions and to help implement projects etc. The President/Mayor/Governor cannot be in all places at once.
$100 Question from Missouri Today What three industries are very important in Missouri?
$100 Answer from Missouri Today Transportation, Agriculture, and Defense
$200 Question from Missouri Today What does it mean to sat that Missouri cities are centers of commerce?
$200 Answer from Missouri Today They are places with many businesses, where money and goods are exchanged.
$300 Question from Missouri Today In what way is St. Louis a “city of firsts”?
$300 Answer from Missouri Today St. Louis is the first place where many important things happened, such as being the location of the first university west of the Mississippi and the first public kindergarten in the United States.
$400 Question from Missouri Today What are two places that you can visit to see natural beauty and why is it important to protect these places?
$400 Answer from Missouri Today Answer may include: The Katy Trail, Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park, Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Mark Twain National Forest, and the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Important to protect these places so that people can enjoy them for hiking and camping and tourists can keep visiting them to help Missouri’s economy.
$500 Question from Missouri Today Name two historical sites that you can visit to learn about events that shaped Missouri and our nation.
$500 Answer from Missouri Today Answers may include: George Washington Carver National Monument, Harry S. Truman National Historic Site, White Haven Farm, Mastodon State Historic Park, civil war battle sites, Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum, Gateway Arch, or Boonesfield Village
Final Jeopardy What is the benefit to having to pay taxes?
Final Jeopardy Answer Learning about the past can give us better perspective on our strengths and weaknesses as we plan for the future.