1 SCNR State Cadastres of Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2 SCNR State Cadastres of Natural Resources are an automated computerized collection system, systematization, storing, processing, and displaying of space- coordinated data on the condition of Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the interpretation and analysis of these data for effective use in solving managerial, production and scientific tasks related to protection, restoration and preservation of natural resources on the territory of our Republic
3 SCNR SCNR The main goals and objectives 2. Natural resource accounting of the Republic of Kazakhstan, standardization of saving methods, storing and processing of natural resource information on the basis of using a modern program-technical facilities; 1.Information support of state authorities, academic representatives, non- governmental and public organizations, interested legal and natural persons of timely and reliable information on the state of natural resources for solving a nature management issues related to their area of responsibility; 3. Maintenance of operational authorized access to information resources, automated formation of the state statistical reporting and documents of the survey-analytical nature.
4 SCNR Functions information gathering, systematization and processing; coordination of accumulation and storage of information; the use of modern computer technologies; digital cartography; basing on the standards; a single information space; information resources management; solution of nature management problems; representation of information resources.
5 SCNR Cadastres functions are implemented by using a modern database management systems and geographic information systems Computer Technologies DMS GIS
6 SCNR SCNR DB of Animal’s World DB of SPNT DB of Forest Cadastres Computer Technologies Databases - an accumulation, storage, retrieval and analysis of cadastral information DB of Fishery Resources
7 SCNR GIS: a technologies combine traditional statistical and analytical operations when working with databases with complete advantages of visualization and spatial analysis, which offers the map. Computer Technologies
8 SCNR Modern computer technologies, program-technical tools of organization of arrays of information, database management systems and geoinformation systems provide a reliable distributed storage, multipurpose use, prompt provision of information resources for solving multi-level problems of nature management
When developing a web-portal “SCNR of the RK” has been implemented the automated input module. AIM is designed to automate the gathering, updating and publishing of geographic and attributive information in cadastres section (SPNT, forest’s fund, fishery resources, and animal’s world). AIM is designed to: gathering of geographical and attributive information of SPNT’s Cadastre; harmonization and updating of cadastre’s attributive information of SPNT’s Cadastre; gathering of geographical and attributive information of Fishery Resources Cadastre; harmonization and updating of attributive information of Fishery Resources Cadastre; gathering of geographical and attributive information of Animal World’s Cadastre; harmonization and updating of attributive information of Animal World’s Cadastre; gathering of geographical and attributive information of Forest Cadastre; harmonization and updating of attributive information of Forest Cadastre. Automated Input Module
10 DB cadastres are organized on the basis of MS SQL Database Management System. SCNR The user interface of local DB of cadastres system
11 SCNR SCNR DB of Forest Cadastre БД Лесной кадастр Cadastral Object Description Properties Features Datebase Codes DB of local cadastres store the descriptions of cadastral objects, and their quantitative and qualitative features DB of Animal’s World DB of Fishery Resources Cadastre DB of SCNR
12 Forest Cadastre DB “Forest Cadastre” contains a details on the state of forest resources required for forest resource accounting SCNR
13 Forest Cadastre SCNR Input Visualization Editing Forming of per-unit database on the basis of per-stratum parameters Per-stratum datebase
14 Forest Cadastre SCNR = Quarterly database Automated formation of Quarterly database based on per-stratum descriptions
15 Forest Cadastre SCNR An automated forming of overall index of the Forest Fund registration At the Republican management level At the forest management enterprises level At the territorial departments level
16 Forest Cadastre SCNR Automated formation of Forest Account indicators Forest Resources distribution by land categories, groups and protection categories Distribution of forested land by prevailing rocks and bonität classes Distribution of forested land by prevailing rocks and breadth groups Area and reserve stands distribution by prevailing rocks and subcohorts Forestry Enterprise Area Republic
17 Forest Cadastre SCNR Automatic creation of reporting forms, that conform to submission of the State Account of Forest Fund
18 Forest Cadastre Obtaining of analytical information on request to the database in the form of graphs, charts and tables SCNR
19 Forest Cadastre Obtaining of information via digital maps (M 1: , 1: ) SCNR
20 Animal World’s Cadastre Obtaining of cadastral information via digital maps (M 1: , 1: ) SCNR
21 SPNT’s Cadastre Obtaining of cadastral information via digital maps (M 1: , 1: ) SCNR
22 Fishery Resources Cadastre Obtaining of cadastral information via digital maps (M 1: , 1: ) SCNR
23 SCNR SCNR DB DB DB Digital maps combined the information resources of local cadastres into a single information space
24 SCNR Digital maps reflect the regularities of territorial distribution of objects of natural resources, their spatial characteristics and relations, influence degree on natural objects of the environment in general and the influence of anthropogenic factors Maps contain as an integral (total) information on an arbitrary set of cadastral objects and their environment, well as analytical information on individual objects
25 The sheet of topographic map (1: ) in Gauss Kruger’s view The sheets of topographic map ( 1: ) Geographical coordinates Digital topographic maps (DTP) are represented by a series of nomenclature sheets of scale 1: SCNR Diversity of the spatial characteristics of cadastral objects and accuracy of their provisions provide a digital topographic maps
26 SCNR Fisheries and hunting objects of Karaganda region Amankaragay Forestry Enterprise, Kostanay region Digital maps of cadastral objects belong to the category of specialized thematic maps. They display the infrastructure and element parameters of cadastral objects. The specific card contents are determined by cadastral objects proceeding from their purpose and industry-specific process requirements.
27 An access for the Central Office of the Ministry of Environment Protection and the Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Ministry Agriculture of the RK to information resources of the system ; An increase of objectivity and reliability of information on state of natural resources for carrying out of examination, an environmental audit, in developing of EIAs integrated programs, permission obtaining; when assessing the value of natural resources, planning of business; Reduction of the time to gathering and processing of received information for management decisions; A Natural Resource Accounting of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the standardization of methods of collection, storage and processing of information through the use of modern program-technical tools (GIS); Maintenance of operative authorized access to information resources, an automated forming of the state statistical reports and documents of overviewed and analytical character; Increase in productivity and quality of expert’s work by freeing them from fulfilling of the paper works; Information‘s exchange simplification between the government authorities and other concerned organizations. State Cadastres of Natural Resources (SCNR of the RK) provide :
28 IS “SCNR of the RK” 1 with unified information system of EP of the MEP of the RK with the cadastre of water resources of the Committee on Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RK 2 with the subsoil cadastre of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the RK 4 3 with the lands cadastre of the Agency of the RK for Land Resources Management IntegrationIntegration
29 By summarizing the foregoing information, it should be noted that the functioning system of GIS cadastres will make the information available to all cadastres of the Republic in real time, and will allow to reveal a hidden relations and tendencies that are hard or impossible to detect by using just the databases or paper maps. And, first of all, this will be achieved by implementing the possibility of holding an integrated estimation of available information resources. SCNR