WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008 INNOVATION STATISTICS
Introduction: The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, along with Institute Mihajlo Pupin, carried out the first survey of innovations in enterprises ( ), as a pilot study with the aim to study properly the enterprise business policy relative to innovation, primarily considering enterprise being informed on necessity for and effects of innovation, present capacities and hampering factors as well. The compiled data reflect the type, range and quality of innovations in enterprises. The most of the data refer to new and considerably improved products and services, new and significantly improved processes, logistics and distribution modes. Breakdowns are given at the level of country, type of innovator, size-classes, unit (percentage and absolute value), classification of economic activities (in accordance with NACE rev.2) and innovation indicators. WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008
Stratums: 1. Type of Innovation: WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008
2. Size of classes: WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008
3. The sample comprises various sectors of activities ( Stratification by NACE was in 2-digit level (division) WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008 Enterprises by divisions of activities
4.A regional dimension was also taken - Aim is to check the regional allocation of sampled units. The sampling frame to be used for the sample was mostly the business register. WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008
Statistical indicators cover a range of topics related to: Products, process, ongoing and abandoned innovation Innovation activity and expenditure Intramural research and experimental development (R&D) Effects of innovation Public funding of innovation Innovation co-operation Sources of information for innovation Hampered innovation activity Patents and other protection methods Innovation capacities (average age of equipment) Other important organizational and marketing innovations in enterprise WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008
Conclusion Statistical Office used the questionnaire recommended by EUROSTAT, slightly modified the questions from the standard questionnaire and added a few extra questions. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia publishes the data on innovations in enterprises activity as result from the conducted pilot survey in Communication. After all, we didnt fill in the tabulation schemes prepared by EUROSTAT. The reason was: inadequate size of sample (700 units). We are going to provide all indicators for the CIS 2008 data collection as comparable data, which can be used for dissemination together with the other countries. WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008
Needs and Obstacles: The general politics is: reduction of government administration (at the moment: one statistician + one project engineer) Our requirement is to expand number of experts in this area – least 4 statisticians + project engineer Support in providing technical instruments: methodological recommendation, questionnaire, tabulation schemes etc.( we already have valuable help given by EUROSTAT) Permanency education and training for personnel: participation on international workshops. Suggestion for improvement of coverage in sample: aim – to include and non-profit sector. Statistilal units overcroweded by requests from state statistics and other goverment institutions. WP4: Building Capacities Belgrade, October 2-3, 2008